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Should we build swimming lanes next to cycle lanes, for the aged?

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I was at the pool today and after getting kicked in the temple for the umpteenth time from some wayward heel, I decided I would find the perpetrator and drown them.


However, I soon deduced that the person with frog's legs wasn't some teen on their Easter holidays, but some 70 something old bint who clearly had taken offence to me pushing her into the wall tiles on my way to the steam room, cos she was so bloody slow.


After some basic mathematics, I realised she was making 3 lengths to my one.


I then looked around.


Everywhere there were old folks swimming like dolphins. It was like Free Willy 4. One old fella, after 60 lengths, jumped right over the pool wall and landed straight into the neighboring Costa Coffee.


I'm all for old people, I love em, my Gran's one and they still make pastry with lard. Should we help them out by ridding them of their mobility scooters and building sheltered swimming tunnels alongside the cycle lanes, so they can buy their piece of cod on a Thursday in half the time it would usually take?


Discuss, sensibly.

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