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Idiots at The Sun and the BNP fall for April Fool story

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This is just classic. A student magazine printed a spoof story about Cambridge University stripping BNP leader Nick Griffin of his degree. The Sun newspaper fell for it, and so did the BNP. A statement on the BNP website said the university was trying to strip him of the degree "because they believe it might be losing them fees from foreign Muslim students who could be put off coming to the university".


As the author of the story put it, "It was pretty funny that The Sun fell for it. It was more satisfying that the BNP was taken in. They just think everyone is out to get them, they looked stupid." Too right they did. They really will believe any old crap and try and put an anti-Muslim spin on it. Who could really believe anything that appears on their website? Muppets :hihi:

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a workmate fell for one in his paper about AA men going to fix peoples cars on rocket packs, he was already to join up lol


how great would that be if it were actually true. they'd have to wear a tuxedo while at it

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Rather than start a new thread and have two on the BNP current, I thought I would share the news on this thread about the civil war going on:


Both papers are coming at the story from different angles.....






It all looks a little embarassing for them.


More here:


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..because deep down, beneath the bluster, they know that any right-thinking, reasonably intelligent person will quickly see through their bullshine.


if only we were given the chance eh? i despise the restrictions on the BNP's freedom of speech (should i say, 'the media's restriction on their freedom of speech' coz it's not anything to do with responsible government) as much as i despise the party's despicable 'politics', or the Sun.



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The BNP has been thrown into turmoil weeks ahead of the general election after a senior party member was arrested for allegedly threatening to kill Nick Griffin.


Key party officials have been summoned to a meeting tomorrow to discuss "urgent organisational matters" after Griffin and colleagues made statements to police resulting in the BNP's publicity director, Mark Collett, being detained on Thursday.


Collett, 29, had been due to contest Labour MP David Blunkett's Sheffield Brightside seat in the election but has been stripped of his position within the party which accused him of conspiring to launch a "palace coup" against Griffin.


The BNP alerted members to the crisis on Wednesday. In a message to party organisers, the party said its internal security team had been investigating "alleged financial irregularities" relating to leaflets and publications, the "leaking on to the internet of sensitive party information" and "feeding lies to certain anti-BNP blog sites" for several months.


"As a result of this investigation, a very serious matter has been uncovered," the memo said. "Earlier this week, the police were made aware of very serious allegations potentially affecting the personal safety of party chairman Nick Griffin MEP and senior management/fundraising consultant James Dowson. Formal statements have now been made to the police, including by Mr Griffin."





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