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Ageing - does it get you down?

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Inspired by the "middle aged" thread, and the fact I have been thinking about age a lot recently.


Does ageing bother you? Do you often sit and think about it solemnly? I turn 26 at the end of this month and, although that's still young, I often can't help but ponder the hopeless inevitability of these years flying by, as people tell me they will, with that knowing look on their face, and waking up at 70, feeling bitter towards young people, and wishing I was younger. It's the only thing in life that truly gets me down.


I hate it when people make those trite little "over the hill" jokes about getting old, as if someone turning 30, 40 or 50 is going to see the funny side of it.


I know I will get old one day. I'm not sure I will take being old very well. But I suppose everyone thinks that way in their 20s... right?

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I think most young people think as you do, but probably not every single one of them.


I'm considerably older than you, and have come to accept the truth of what my father always said - that there's only one alternative to growing old and you don't want to take it.

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Guest sibon
Inspired by the "middle aged" thread, and the fact I have been thinking about age a lot recently.


Does ageing bother you? Do you often sit and think about it solemnly? I turn 26 at the end of this month and, although that's still young, I often can't help but ponder the hopeless inevitability of these years flying by, as people tell me they will, with that knowing look on their face, and waking up at 70, feeling bitter towards young people, and wishing I was younger. It's the only thing in life that truly gets me down.


I hate it when people make those trite little "over the hill" jokes about getting old, as if someone turning 30, 40 or 50 is going to see the funny side of it.


I know I will get old one day. I'm not sure I will take being old very well. But I suppose everyone thinks that way in their 20s... right?


Getting old is excellent. I recommend it. I've already reached an age that some of my ancestors would be jealous of. I'm fit as a fiddle too. That makes me feel good.


As you get older you take less notice of what others think, that has to be a good thing. I no longer take hours getting ready to go out, because I genuinely don't care how others see me. I'm very comfy in my own skin.


I'm much better at my job than I was when I was your age. Possibly because I no longer think that I know everything... indeed, I have a very acute awareness that I don't, and that I never will do.


I wouldn't mind some extra flexibility in my knees. It would be nice to think that I was closer to birth than to death. Apart from that, I wouldn't swap my late forties self for my mid twenties self, for all the cash in my Public Sector Pension Scheme.

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This is a rhetorical question, right? :)


Make the most of being young! Cram as much into your life as you possibly can. It's always better to regret what you did, rather than what you didn't do. Unless you're doing it from the wrong side of a cell door, of course ;)


A very old lady once said to me "You might as well go where your fancy takes you in life, as when you get to my age, no-one will ever believe you did it anyway" I know what she meant now and I really regret not doing more of everything when I had the chances. We spend too much time trying to please other people and not enough pleasing ourselves, imo.


I wish I could do it all over again, even the bad bits. But more and better!

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Inspired by the "middle aged" thread, and the fact I have been thinking about age a lot recently.


Does ageing bother you? Do you often sit and think about it solemnly? I turn 26 at the end of this month and, although that's still young, I often can't help but ponder the hopeless inevitability of these years flying by, as people tell me they will, with that knowing look on their face, and waking up at 70, feeling bitter towards young people, and wishing I was younger. It's the only thing in life that truly gets me down.


I hate it when people make those trite little "over the hill" jokes about getting old, as if someone turning 30, 40 or 50 is going to see the funny side of it.


I know I will get old one day. I'm not sure I will take being old very well. But I suppose everyone thinks that way in their 20s... right?



Better get used to the idea or stick your head in the gas oven

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