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Ageing - does it get you down?

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I get mi' bus pass in 3 years , but i'll still probably ride mi' bike most of the time . ( 37 years of biking ,it'll be a bugger when i have to call it a day )

But i've still got Rock and Metal to soften the blow...I've been on Blood pressure tablets for 2 years...but, being an Owls fan , is there any wonder...:hihi::hihi:

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So if you were giving advice to twenty year olds like Epiphany and I to make the transition into the future easier what would it be?


I think what I might regret when I'm older is:


1. Not making financial plans for the future. Sounds very naive and old-fashioned, but in my early twenties I kind of assumed that I would be settled some day with a relatively prosperous bloke. Now that I've realised that isn't what I want, it kind of puts the initiative on me to start thinking about stuff like pensions :help::confused:


2. Not taking as good care of my health as I could.


I'm in Ok shape now (touch wood), don't smoke, could easily cut out the booze if necessary. Awful diet. That needs to be sorted.


I think we are encouraged to worry about stupid stuff like wrinkles and things and what we look like, when what we should be paying attention to is reducing the risk of being properly ill.


3. Getting tied down with a bloke who sucks the life out of me, and waking up one day in a house in the suburbs thinking WHERE THE HELL DID MY LIFE GO?!!!


4. Having kids. I saw some ginger children in the park and I was almost physically sick.


Anger is an energy.:)

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Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and thinking,

surely i can't look that old? Well.....you'll love this one!


My name is alice smith and i was sitting in the waiting room for my

first appointment with a new dentist. I noticed his dds diploma,

which bore his full name.


Suddenly, i remembered a tall, handsome, dark haired boy with the

same name had been in my high school class some 30-odd years ago


Could he be the same guy that i had a secret crush on, way back then?


Upon seeing him, however, i quickly discarded any such thought.


This balding, gray haired man with the deeply lined face was way too

old to have been my classmate, after he examined my teeth, i asked

him if he had attended morgan park high school ..


'yes, yes i did. I'm a mustang! ' he gleamed with pride.


'when did you graduate?' i asked


he answered, in 1975. Why do you ask?


'you were in my class!' i exclaimed.


He looked at me closely.


Then that ugly,








fat arsed,


grey haired,




b*stard asked....


'what did you teach?'

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