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Ageing - does it get you down?

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I'm getting physically older as we all are - I do hate that 'lying mirror' in the bathroom ....

On the positive side, a lot of friends tell me how the 'years just fly by' and 'this/that just feels like yesterday'

I don't get any of that, quite the opposite, to the extent that I feel like I'm getting 'added extra lifetime' :D

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Inspired by the "middle aged" thread, and the fact I have been thinking about age a lot recently.


Does ageing bother you? Do you often sit and think about it solemnly? I turn 26 at the end of this month and, although that's still young, I often can't help but ponder the hopeless inevitability of these years flying by, as people tell me they will, with that knowing look on their face, and waking up at 70, feeling bitter towards young people, and wishing I was younger. It's the only thing in life that truly gets me down.


I hate it when people make those trite little "over the hill" jokes about getting old, as if someone turning 30, 40 or 50 is going to see the funny side of it.


I know I will get old one day. I'm not sure I will take being old very well. But I suppose everyone thinks that way in their 20s... right?


The sad fact is that at 26 you are old, but if that upsets you, you can always fall back on the fact that you still have youth on your side ;)

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Of course there is, I'm sure ... :P


Let's just hope for your sake that the next time you're in the mood for jumping, she's not been reading SF ... it could turn nasty. :help:


No it wouldn't. My missus is a very cool lady. Laughs at a lot of the windage I spout on the SF.


The only times she gets on my case is if I forget to put the toilet lid back down :D

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I know I will get old one day. I'm not sure I will take being old very well. But I suppose everyone thinks that way in their 20s... right?


Yep. I'm 24 and a few years back (when I was in my last year of school lol) I went through a faze where I wouldn't smile and would only laugh with a straight face (it's very difficult but it can be done!) so that I didn't develop laughter lines! How sad! Thankfully it only lasted about a week.


I think aging is much worse for us ladies, it does nothing for us and we have a lot more areas to worry about going saggy :(. Men usually look better with age (the one's that look after themselves and live healthy lives). If I could stay any age it would probably be the age I am now, I don't want to get any older! :(

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Getting old isn't for wimps! But its better than the alternative as Headingnorth already pointed out.


I rarely feel old, until I look in the mirror... in a good light I can kid myself my hair is a very light blonde! :roll:


I find that you can strike a certain pose in the mirror, get the right angle, make the light work in your favour. It's those random photo's that people take when you are not aware that realy drive home how old you look :mad:.


Still. It's got to be better than being dead! :hihi:;)

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