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Ageing - does it get you down?

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I am really dreading the big 50...in a years time, infact yes it does get me down sometimes dosent help when you are single, all the young beautiful women to compete with....:(
Aww! don't think like that, you are very lovely yourself and look nowhere near late 40s ...you must know that.


Let's be honest about things, how many beautiful young women really would fancy a much older man? There aren't that many Bella Wrights around. When you were 20 or 30 would you have even looked at the average 50 yr old? You just wouldn't have ...


What gets me down about aging is nothing to do with the age of the men and women I'm 'competing' with, it's the creaky knees and general cynicism about life, and hating the winter months. I'm so bored with everything, I'm not even wanting to be a jaguar anymore :hihi:

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I'm two years short of my three score and ten. I still have all my teeth, a good head of hair, dont need specs, play 18 holes of golf at weekends, hike and fish. I still jump the missus once or twice a week also.


It's all in the genes you inherit. Some people are old at 40 some still young at my age.


big liar:hihi:

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Getting old bloody annoys me! :rant:


In my mind I'm still in my 20s and I expect my poor, creaking body to keep up - which it can't, so I get a tad cross with it.


I don't care if I've got grey hair and wrinkles, that isn't important to me at all. But I do wish the various bits of my body that are creaky/ageing could just get a grip!


The final straw was when I went to the doctor's the other week with an "embarrassing" itch - only to be informed that I had "aged genitals" - beam me up, Scotty, please. :loopy::hihi:

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It's got me down a bit over the last month, I went for a routine check up and my blood pressure was high, the nurse put me on the dreaded BP tablets. I'm 42, I don't smoke, drink moderately and eat quite healthily, bloody ancestors. I took my regular walk up Rivelin Valley to the post office and back today which hopefully I'll be doing well into my seventies.

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It's got me down a bit over the last month, I went for a routine check up and my blood pressure was high, the nurse put me on the dreaded BP tablets. I'm 42, I don't smoke, drink moderately and eat quite healthily, bloody ancestors. I took my regular walk up Rivelin Valley to the post office and back today which hopefully I'll be doing well into my seventies.
My bold


That is a bummer!


I saw a fascinating TV programme about twins a while back. One was super-fit and healthy, ate well, etc, etc, and the other was over-weight, never exercised, etc, etc. The unhealthy one developed a serious heart condition, usually associated with poor lifestyle choices. They checked out his twin and he had exactly the same condition, despite everything he'd done.

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- only to be informed that I had "aged genitals" - :loopy::hihi:
They do it on purpose to make you feel worse, I really believe that. You start getting old at 25 according to the medics. When I was pregnant at 29, I was called an 'elderly primagravida'!


I was recently told I had the 'arcus senilis' That's that thing where the dark ring around the iris of the eye gradually gets lighter. I mean, why 'senilis' it's so cruel and unnecessary! Just cos it's all in Latin doesn;t make it any easier, does it?


Your complaint will probably be genitalia senilis :). Although thank the lord, that's one problem I don't have yet, although I'd be willing to swap it for a decent working kneecap. Any takers? :D

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I'm getting physically older as we all are - I do hate that 'lying mirror' in the bathroom ....

On the positive side, a lot of friends tell me how the 'years just fly by' and 'this/that just feels like yesterday'

I don't get any of that, quite the opposite, to the extent that I feel like I'm getting 'added extra lifetime' :D


Ask yourself the question "are beige corduroy elbow patches really me ?" :hihi::hihi:

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They do it on purpose to make you feel worse, I really believe that. You start getting old at 25 according to the medics. When I was pregnant at 29, I was called an 'elderly primagravida'!


I was recently told I had the 'arcus senilis' That's that thing where the dark ring around the iris of the eye gradually gets lighter. I mean, why 'senilis' it's so cruel and unnecessary! Just cos it's all in Latin doesn;t make it any easier, does it?


Your complaint will probably be genitalia senilis :). Although thank the lord, that's one problem I don't have yet, although I'd be willing to swap it for a decent working kneecap. Any takers? :D

My bold


You should advertise on the swap section of classifieds! :hihi:


I'll ask the doctor if "genitalia senilis" is the correct term when I go back to see her about that other delight of ageing - incontinence!!! :hihi:

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Getting old bloody annoys me! :rant:


In my mind I'm still in my 20s and I expect my poor, creaking body to keep up - which it can't, so I get a tad cross with it.


I don't care if I've got grey hair and wrinkles, that isn't important to me at all. But I do wish the various bits of my body that are creaky/ageing could just get a grip!


The final straw was when I went to the doctor's the other week with an "embarrassing" itch - only to be informed that I had "aged genitals" - beam me up, Scotty, please. :loopy::hihi:


Older than the rest of you? :huh::huh: How did that happen? :o

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