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Ageing - does it get you down?

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I find hanging out with people that are older than me helps to keep me feeling young :D





*hides from Mort, Dozy and Ruby*


Seriously though I do have friends of all ages and I've noticed that it's the older ones that seem younger. Some of my thirty something friends have about given up on youth and are seeming to fade away. They put it down to age, I put it down to attitude.

Personally I intend to grow old disgracefully and have as much fun as my already achey body will let me :)

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It's not how old you are but how you are old!


Says it all really!


I live with the lines on my face, actually like my white hair, love the fact that I don't have to go to work anymore (Hooray!), love having time to visit the grandchildren, time to read, I'm also researching family stuff and visiting different places - amazing how far I've got on my bus pass ;). When I think of past generations when they were in their 60s - they were old. We're so not. :banana:

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I find hanging out with people that are older than me helps to keep me feeling young :D





*hides from Mort, Dozy and Ruby*


Seriously though I do have friends of all ages and I've noticed that it's the older ones that seem younger. Some of my thirty something friends have about given up on youth and are seeming to fade away. They put it down to age, I put it down to attitude.

Personally I intend to grow old disgracefully and have as much fun as my already achey body will let me :)



I wish I was young enough to make that comment....:mad::mad:

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Says it all really!


I live with the lines on my face, actually like my white hair, love the fact that I don't have to go to work anymore (Hooray!), love having time to visit the grandchildren, time to read, I'm also researching family stuff and visiting different places - amazing how far I've got on my bus pass ;). When I think of past generations when they were in their 60s - they were old. We're so not. :banana:


Well I'm not as old as you but I notice my hairline has strarted to recede a little - I'm SCARED!

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I know I'm a rotton swine but really, it's bad enough with teenagers posturing and waving their testosterone around without old gentlemen who really should know better flailing at each other with cloth-caps and mufflers all askew.


Never wore a cloth cap mate. Dont need mufflers where i live either. Only mufflers in my part of the world are those on cars. :D


P.S I never tried to "know better" That's why I'm still a kid at heart

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