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South African far right leader Eugene Terreblanche killed

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Except most are saying "I am glad he is dead", not "i want him dead" - which is a totally different thing.
It may be a totally different thing to the people who are rejoicing in his death.


To me it seems that the very people who are so sanctimonous and holier than thou when people crow about a rapist, child murderer or other violent criminal being attacked in prison or call for them to be executed, are the ones who always long for Mrs Thatcher to die horribly, or someone like this man being brutally murdered is seen as a good thing by them. I don't understand that attitude.


There's no difference to me. They all deserve to die in my eyes. But legally and with as little pain and fear as possible. Well probably not Mrs Thatcher, she personally didn't actually torture or kill anyone, afaik :)

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Except most are saying "I am glad he is dead", not "i want him dead" - which is a totally different thing.


Also, if he normally spoke how he was speaking on Louis Therouxs program then i am surprised he hadn't been murdered a long time ago!


But if Mr Huntley was murdered in prison, would they be saying they're glad he is dead? More likely condemning it as mob justice. That is what I do not understand.

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But if Mr Huntley was murdered in prison, would they be saying they're glad he is dead? More likely condemning it as mob justice. That is what I do not understand.
That's exactly what I was trying to say. You've said it so much more succinctly. Just don't call him Mister, he doesn't deserve the honorific, imo :mad:
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But if Mr Huntley was murdered in prison, would they be saying they're glad he is dead? More likely condemning it as mob justice. That is what I do not understand.


Who's 'they'? I'd say good riddance to him as well.


Although, I wouldn't be as pleased because I think it's worse to rot in a cell for the rest of your life.

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The narrow minded blinkered views on here just highlight what is wrong with debates on SF. The sheer hypocrisy of the Liberal Mafia who cry out about any crime or unfairness against any minority applauding murder. It really does go to show the intelligence of some who proclaim them selves the SF intelligentsia.
I think that hypocrisy strikes both ways and is demonstrated in equal measure on this and other threads.

Eugene Terreblanche's death was in its self no loss to SA politics but it has to be viewed in the wider African political arena. A spur of the moment murder it may have been (although many have their doubts) but the speeches of Julius Malema are no less racist. With an avid uneducated, deprived following it is not surprising the result in the escalation of attacks SA is seeing. The crimes of Mr Malema are too well documented to go into here.

I think for now it should be viewed as two disgruntled employees murdering their employer rather than politically motivated. Terreblanche was evil, but there are more legitimate ways of dealing with evil people than murdering them.

That the ANC and Zuma refuse to distance them selves from his views and are actually attempting the have the "kill the Boer, Kill the farmer" anthem ban overturned speaks volumes.

Well I heard the South African president denouncing the murder and calling for calm.

ET was an abhorrent racist, but hes not the only one in SA and they aren't all white. The bottom line for a lot of African countries is that freedom fighters rarely make good upholders of civil rights and democracy.

So let's start a thread about black racists, I'll happily contribute to it and vilify the likes of Mugabe, however I think people like Mandela and other 'freedom fighters' of his ilk, showed the world how to uphold civil rights and democracy when they were eventually allowed to share power.

The bigger picture here is that a man is dead and it will increase the temperature in an already volatile state.


So to all the uneducated ranters and the ill informed think about this.

So you believe people who dont conform to your view are 'uneducated ranters'? Perhaps you shouldn't preach about the 'narrow minded and blinkered'.


If the escalation carries on then SA will end up in flames. The white farmers will run to Europe. Who will suffer? not ETs followers, not the ANC leaders with their Swiss bank accounts. The people paying and paying and paying will be the same people who suffered under apartheid; poor blacks. Maybe when you think about that, rejoicing in this murder may seem less sensible.


What does that have to do with people here not mourning the death of a racist and bigot? You'll be championing Abu Hamza next.


I love Africa, East, South, West, its a diverse continent with amazing people and I've loved ever moment I've spent in it. But until everyone stops laying all the continents woes at the white colonialist door it will never progress.

It sounds like your crying over milk you spilt. If the 'white colonialist' had been prepared to share in the first place then a lot of the problems in Africa could have been addressed decades ago including the self inflicted ones.

You don't move on by blaming people who no longer have power. It suits the ANC and Malema to encourage this hatred and fervor towards the white Boers.

I'm afraid people have long memories of what they stood for. Muslims in Europe have no power but get short shrift when talking extreme nonsense-and rightly so.

While people are shouting at the farmers they aren't asking what happened to the promises and where is all the money is going now.

I think you need to ask the likes of Shell, BP, the banks and European mineral companies to find the answer to that question.
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But if Mr Huntley was murdered in prison, would they be saying they're glad he is dead? More likely condemning it as mob justice. That is what I do not understand.


Personally, Im not unhappy he's dead, but not glad about the manner of it-nor am I rejoicing in it.


Equally, I wouldnt be shedding tears at Huntley's funeral, but I wouldnt celebrate him being murdered either.


The point you raise is an interesting one though scuba, because the people here being critical of those who aren't unhappy about Terreblance being killed, are the same people who wanted Huntley dead on the other thread-the hypocrisy (if that's what we should call it) cuts both ways!

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It really does go to show the intelligence of some who proclaim them selves the SF intelligentsia.



So to all the uneducated ranters and the ill informed think about this.


Have we discovered the Emperor mincing around in the nuddie?

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The point you raise is an interesting one though scuba, because the people here being critical of those who aren't unhappy about Terreblance being killed, are the same people who wanted Huntley dead on the other thread-the hypocrisy (if that's what we should call it) cuts both ways!
I don't think it does, I think you're reading it wrong. I think what some at trying to get at is that these people, naming no names, would be posting about baying mobs and pitchforks and flaming brands etc, but have no shame is posting about being glad that someone died, even though they were beaten to death, possibly whilst asleep in bed, Apparently because they think he's a bad man, it's a good thing.


People can have their opinions but should at least be consistent.

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I don't think it does, I think you're reading it wrong. I think what some at trying to get at is that these people, naming no names, would be posting about baying mobs and pitchforks and flaming brands etc, but have no shame is posting about being glad that someone died, even though they were beaten to death, possibly whilst asleep in bed, Apparently because they think he's a bad man, it's a good thing.


People can have their opinions but should at least be consistent.

Exactly, how can anyone apply the same sentiments to this thread that they've vemonously critisized on another thread?:nono:
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I don't think it does, I think you're reading it wrong. I think what some at trying to get at is that these people, naming no names, would be posting about baying mobs and pitchforks and flaming brands etc, but have no shame is posting about being glad that someone died, even though they were beaten to death, possibly whilst asleep in bed, Apparently because they think he's a bad man, it's a good thing.


People can have their opinions but should at least be consistent.


Thanks Ruby that is correct. I'm not really having a go at those that are glad Terreblanche is dead, it's understandable, more attacking the inconsistancy. Like you say Ruby, not naming names, I know who I'm on about. No need to be so defensive though BF, I didn't have you in mind. :)

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