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Dating Agencies in Sheffield

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TBH dating sites now are alot different and more accepted than newspaper personals imho... I know loads of people that have found love through dating sites, not just sex or one night stands etc...


Dating sites do work, but there is a problem. Its become a competition between men to try and get the girl (if you get what I mean?). If your not a Brad Pitt loook alike, then you haven't got a hope in hell to find someone nice looking. As the women tend to go for the better looking guys than the normal "Joe Bloggs". Its what I have noticed, plus alot of guys first message is "fancy a shag?" etc... So wrong imho, whatever happened to just talking & getting to know each other?!.


I am into the more mature woman myself and have had a number of long term relentionships through "normal" dating sites... Just be yourself and get to know them, as you would if you got talking to someone in the street lol. Just my 2p's worth, but its worked for me :).

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It's Donald Trump Ruby, it's a joke avatar. If you didn't recognise that it was "The Donald" I imagine it is you that must be ancient.


I know why women want to be around me and I know from experience how long roughly they will stick around. They usually remain friends so I still see them which is nice.


I use them, they use me but it is a lot of fun. However, there is only one person getting used in marriage and it's the bloke. He not only get's used but he gets chewed and chewed and chewed and then one unexpected day spit out with nothing and left in lifes gutter.

lol, I am pretty old, true. But it's a very small avatar. I know who Donald Trump is, he's the man with the comedy hair! Now, being honest, you would have to have no ego to be prepared to date a man with that hair! I wouldn't care if he had all the money in the world, no way! :D


All men are users, you're all just in denial. You're obviously a user, you just don't want to admit it, so you're blaming the victim. Poor little girls barely out of their teens being eaten up and spat out by a elderly predator. tut tut you should be ashamed of yourself. :|

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Wheres my dinner and my slippers :hihi::hihi:


Your dinner's in the dog.....




As far as it goes Cad, i've never come out of a relationship financially better off than I went in. I can't imagine finding a man tolerable solely for the contents of his wallet, if I'm going to have any sort of relationship then it has to be with the person, not their possessions.

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