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Dating Agencies in Sheffield

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Scared of committment, you bet your life I'm scared of committment when that committment practically ensures I'm just sat on a ticking timebomb to financial ruin. Of course I've never been burned, I've never been married or had kids. My lifetimes earnings to date have gone on myself and I've invested wisely. Yes I am living the dream and it's amazing, yes it does have its shallow moments but 90% of the time it's great. I've never met another guy of my age that's as truly happy as I am. I have short term relationships with females I am always brutally honest with and remain friends with all of them once they decide to move on but we have a great time until then. I don't need women, I just like them and no woman no matter how pretty will ever be in a position to take me for a mug. I sleep very well at night.


Yes I am down on marriage because for men it's not a clever thing to do under any circumstances. Men that need to be married are just weak and haven't done well enough for themselves to stay single. Getting married means giving up so many freedoms, the thought of having to sleep with the same women forever would be enough to put a gun in my mouth let alone all the mundane crap that comes with long term relatioships. So many guys settling for a boring life and then getting screwed financially. Such a sorry state. Then I read threads like this where guys are actually hurting because they haven't found a women yet who will screw then in 5 years.


Jason, you have no job at present, which means you have little money, probably don't own your home, you have no security to offer any female so it's unlikely that you will find a partner for marriage any time soon. If you won the lottery tomorrow, you would have to beat them away with a stick, only because you would then be a target. Wake up.


That's a damn good post.

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The main reason being having to endure the endless emotional baggage related to the woman's relationship to the ex.
I'd hardly describe a child as 'endless emotional baggage' but it's true some men move on and leave their children behind and just have a few more with the new g/f. Women rarely abandon their kids.


And we have to listen to men moaning on about their emotional baggage. We've all had to listen/read male bad opinions of women today. Some men, they have a failed relationship and never get over it. We never hear the end of it. :rolleyes:


It works both ways, you know, but whereas women are prepared to concede that most men are great, men always want to say ALL women are this, or that. It just gets a bit tedious after a while.

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I think there are a few men on here who would save themselves a lot of the stress and bother about worrying a woman will come along, get pregnant by them and then try taking them to the cleaners if they just went and got themselves vasectomised. If it worries you so much get up to Marie Stopes in Leeds, it'll cost you about £500 and then you dont have to worry about impregnanting anyone, s it seems to be concerning several of the men on here.

And for the record, can't remember who said it, but actually not all women do want to have kids, some are decidedly uninterested in marriage too.


With regards to dating agencies, as far as I know the internet is the way to go - I know a couple of couples that met online and have great long term relationships now as a result.

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If you do mean its a child which is 'endless emotional baggage' thats quite sad, if you mean its the relationship with the ex, thats even worse, and really is the comment of a spineless emotional cripple. They are exes for a reason, and anyone with a modicum of confidence would realise that no one is going to make backward steps.

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