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if you mean its the relationship with the ex, thats even worse, and really is the comment of a spineless emotional cripple. They are exes for a reason, and anyone with a modicum of confidence would realise that no one is going to make backward steps.


At one time I was with a woman who had thrown her control freak of a husband out.


I rapidly grew tired of her accepting his whinging telephone calls to her mobile when we were supposed to be having an evening out (which were rare enough due to having to get babysitters for her kids). When I told her to put the damned phone down all I'd get would be "..but he's the kids' dad!"


I ended it after a few such incidents.

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And no, it wasn't a cheap shot, from what I am told by my married friends who confide in me, married sex is the pits. I hear this a LOT!
I bet Captain Chaos has a great sex life ... he seems just sooo exactly right :)


Married sex life can be the pits after a while, because a lot of men won't learn ... they just want to do what suits them. Learn what keeps your woman happy and satisfied and you'd find you can do almost anything you want to outside the bedroom. it's like magic!

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cad&, I don't understand why you're here though when you have this wonderful umtrammelled existence. This is the refuge of people who are tied to the indoors for one reason or another. You should be spending your Easter Weekend having fun, not having the pee ripped out of you by bored forumers :D

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