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Dating Agencies in Sheffield

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who is the humour aimed at then, im intregued ???
It's not aimed at you and I'm sorry your thread got taken over, but I hope you've managed a little wry smile or two during the course of the day.


We were ripping cad&abounder, because his posts were so funny, you have to admit. I really hope you soon find someone you get on and be happy with.


For dating, you could try these two internet sites which are free to use,

plentyoffish and midsummer's eve


plentyoffish often have meets arranged in Sheffield as well.

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yeh that cad is a real tool aint he, ****in big headed ****


hope he gets whats coming to him one day


bin tryin that plentyoffish all day but when i select create profile it says internet explorer cannot display webpage, its anoying


anyway thanks for ya help, cheers xxxx

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My mission is clear, to enlighten those who are blind and to save them years of drudgery, boredom, misery and financial ruin.


When am i coming round for dinner cad? i'm sure i'd fit into this lifestyle very easily and i'm a strong believer in sharing.

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are there any dating agencies in sheffield, i am looking for a relationship


sick of being single at 30 its ****in awfull



Dont bother mate, 15yrs later im now single and you now what, its great,i dont have to answer to no one,do what i want when i want and then kick them out of bed in the morning....................lifes so simple now.

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i have tryed EHarmony and Match.com but u have to pay for the full features and u cant access everythin with the basic account, its frustrating


i live alone, not had a job in 3 years, not had a girlfriend in 3 years, feel like my world has ended and wish it wud end, i have been suffering from long term depression too so being alone in a flat is just horrible, i am doing voluntary work a few days a week, i go to a gym one day, have group activities the other day, i do a jobsearch day so i am doing all i possibly can to find something or someone


i have been messed around alot in the past, woman just using u for what they can get and never with u for the right reasons, u believe that all woman are the same


but all i want is to find somebody to settle down with, have a family and live together have somethin normal but special, im not askin for millions just to be happy


its a shame u cant find people thru this board, northend that is just a complete ****-up, 7 years u have 2 kids and then she wants to leave, sounds about right, i hope u still have contact with the kids


something i will never properly have in my lifetime


Get an xbox!!

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Women rarely ever leave unless they already have someone else to be with. Females are very calculating when it comes to moving on, they will ensure that the break up allows them the best chances of a better, more secure future. Once a women stops loving you and more importantly decides that she loves someone else, she will coldly leave her ex in the gutter without any real thought or care. I have seen this happen to so many guys, yet they never learn and within 10 years they have gone through the whole sorry saga again at least once if not twice more. The terrible emotional and financial state this leaves them in is usually devestating.


Very very few marriages / relationships last forever and the institution of marriage and the concept of children only favours the woman once the relationship ends. Why so many men allow themselves to be suckered into such a bad deal with hopeless odds of success beggers belief.


So Jason, if you are like me, mid thirties, never married, never had children, think yourself either very lucky or very clever to not have fallen for the biggest con tricks to swindle every man out of his time and money that exists. Your only problem is that you don't earn much, that is the only issue you need to deal with. Once you earn decent money as a bachelor the world becomes an amazing place. I own my own lovely home, drive a nice car, have money in the bank and my current girlfriend is 22 :) But, the freedom I enjoy is why being a bachelor is so amazing. All of my married friends are so envious of me and yet they could have been in exactly the same position but they chose to screw themselves by getting married and having kids. I truly pity them.



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I think you'd probably be better joinging a running club or something similar and maybe meet someone there.

Perhaps try and see the positives in life rather than the negatives. If I were to go on date with a man and he gave me the impression he was depressed or negative, I wouldn't wish to pursue him as he would make me feel that he may bring my moods down etc....


I think you have to be happy in yourself before you can meet someone right for you. Might be a catch 22 but you're still young and a lot of people who are with someone or have families arn't as happy as you may think they are. The grass is not always greener!!


Join Greens gym - my single friends go there, and it is supposed to be a bit of a meeting place.

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This thread bring to mind a bloke I used to know who would often use the services of escorts and prostitutes. He never struck me as the type of person you would expect to need these services; he was good looking, intelligent and charming and often had girlfriends. when I inquired as to why he would use escorts he told me: 'i don't pay them for the service they provide, I am paying them to leave when the deed is done.'


What he was in effect paying for was perfect 'no strings' fun.

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