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Well, Reality of it all has just hit me and it's hard.


I am now a single guy in my own home. Nothing really going for me but that. My wife is digging herself a hole in the belief that her life will be better without me. My only crime? Playing on the computer too much. Serveral women who have had people leave them or chucked the out for things much more serious can not believe this is the reason but I guess the world is not meant to be reasonable.



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Well, Reality of it all has just hit me and it's hard. I am now a single guy in my own home. Nothing really going for me but that. My wife is digging herself a hole in the belief that her life will be better without me. My only crime? Playing on the computer too much. Serveral women who have had people leave them or chucked the out for things much more serious can not believe this is the reason but I guess the world is not meant to be reasonable. :love::love:
You have two kids together? Maybe you spent too much time playing games or on forums like this and neglected your family and the home? Left most things to her to cope with on her own?


You're not single and you're not a teenager living with parents, you're a husband and father and you should be 'tending to your business' as they say.


If you show that you're trying to change, chuck out the games and get rid of your broadband for a bit, she might accept that and agree to try again? If that's truly all you've done wrong, it might not be too late to salvage your marriage. Just my opinion.

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Yes we do, Yes I did and yes she tells me that's what happened.


I am tending to my business. My kids have just gone back after spending the last 2 days and night here.


Nope, even if I changed tommorow she would not want me back. Or even started to totally change over time. She says there is nothing left for me. She wants to be on her own so I can not stop her as much as inside I want to. I am even prepared to change jobs as broadband is what I do.. even that will not make a difference.


She says mixed with the bigger picture but does not say what this is. Although out house got a bit messy and I didn't do all the chores. But then again I work still shifts and hours and a lot of nights so I did what I could.


Now I have to accept I am on my own.. Although I will always hope she will oneday come back.

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Nope, even if I changed tommorow she would not want me back. [...] Now I have to accept I am on my own.. Although I will always hope she will oneday come back.
That's very sad and I feel for you, it'll take some getting used to. You just have to make sure that your children don't suffer because of it. There's nothing anyone can say to make it better, is there :(
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That's very sad and I feel for you, it'll take some getting used to. You just have to make sure that your children don't suffer because of it. There's nothing anyone can say to make it better, is there :(


I have met others who are in the same situation as me and together we are pulling through it. But ultimately no you are right..

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I have a lovely best boy mate who would be so happy to meet Mrs Right.


He's 46 going on 37, and is a brilliant catch!!

Fab sense of humour, is so generous and has a heart of gold. He's around 5'9 with a fittish body (he runs a few nights a week), he bought a house a few years ago and is doing it up (it's nearly finished) so now he just wants to find a lady to be with and enjoy life with. He has everything else.

He likes to cook and go out into town occasionally, has energy for life, is fairly good looking and not only makes a great friend but is a wonderful person. He has more good's than bads and I honestly can't say a word wrong about him, he's far too good to be left on the shelf!


I have suggested he joins running clubs but he feels it may make him look like he's desperate to meet someone, which he isn't but he has mentioned a few times that he wishes he could find a lady to get close to and build a relationship up with.


He is useless with the internet so I can't suggest he joins here, but how can I help to find him Mrs Right?

All my friends are with someone or like being single, so that's out. He doesn't want to meet anyone whilst under the influence of alcohol so that's out.


Any idea's?

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I had a long chat with a single female once, she was an ex of my neighbour, and truly had everything going for her. Personality, looks, and if you believed the neighbour (remarks censored).


She was complaining that she couldnt get another bloke, I told her to stop trying so hard. She did, and is now quite happily married with kid etc. Bitch never invited me to the wedding but hey ho.


I think someone else has mentioned that on here as well, all I can say Jason, it works. Desperation is not an attractive quality.

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i am desperate on the inside but i never show it on the outside as im scared to scare people away, i am always myself and play it cool but its like banging my head against a wall, things just happen for other people they get it all


im hurting inside but i always put on a face and be strong, i have to be or il just fall apart

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