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Well my wife says she has no one else and simply can't stand to live here any more. True or not that's her call. She's instigated everything but simply moving out of our house does not stop her from being responsible for it. Not whilst she owns it.


We will see what happens. I am a realist and I know my chances of success are 0% but all I care about are my kids. I know they will be taken care off the one thing I could never say about her is that she's a bad mother.


I am sure she will meet someone else and whilst I wish it didn't happen and she would come back to me I have no control over any of it. So I am just well doing nothing.

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Women rarely ever leave unless they already have someone else to be with. Females are very calculating when it comes to moving on, they will ensure that the break up allows them the best chances of a better, more secure future. Once a women stops loving you and more importantly decides that she loves someone else, she will coldly leave her ex in the gutter without any real thought or care. I have seen this happen to so many guys, yet they never learn and within 10 years they have gone through the whole sorry saga again at least once if not twice more. The terrible emotional and financial state this leaves them in is usually devestating.


Very very few marriages / relationships last forever and the institution of marriage and the concept of children only favours the woman once the relationship ends. Why so many men allow themselves to be suckered into such a bad deal with hopeless odds of success beggers belief.


So Jason, if you are like me, mid thirties, never married, never had children, think yourself either very lucky or very clever to not have fallen for the biggest con tricks to swindle every man out of his time and money that exists. Your only problem is that you don't earn much, that is the only issue you need to deal with. Once you earn decent money as a bachelor the world becomes an amazing place. I own my own lovely home, drive a nice car, have money in the bank and my current girlfriend is 22 :) But, the freedom I enjoy is why being a bachelor is so amazing. All of my married friends are so envious of me and yet they could have been in exactly the same position but they chose to screw themselves by getting married and having kids. I truly pity them.


Living the dream... I think it's quite sad that you are so 'down' on marriage. I don't think it's for me either, but I'd never go around berating the institution! Each to their own isn't it?! It sounds like you have been burnt in the past, or perhaps know someone that has and to be honest, you come across as scared of commitment. I have to be honest and say that all the things you mention are material and it makes you seem shallow.


There's nothing wrong with wanting to get married, and we're all perfectly capable of seeing the statistics - people can make their own choices. However, it's not fair to suggest that a measure of happiness can be taken by whether you own your home, how much money you have in the bank and how young your current partner is!

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Living the dream... I think it's quite sad that you are so 'down' on marriage. I don't think it's for me either, but I'd never go around berating the institution! Each to their own isn't it?! It sounds like you have been burnt in the past, or perhaps know someone that has and to be honest, you come across as scared of commitment. I have to be honest and say that all the things you mention are material and it makes you seem shallow.


I hear this argument about 'being shallow' trotted out quite a bit. Just because the feller is happy without any sort of commitment doesn't mean he is unusual in any way. Commitment does not suit everybody. It's exactly as you put it 'each to their own'. I do not think he is sad at all. after all, I don't know him other than what he has put on here.



There's nothing wrong with wanting to get married, and we're all perfectly capable of seeing the statistics - people can make their own choices. However, it's not fair to suggest that a measure of happiness can be taken by whether you own your home, how much money you have in the bank and how young your current partner is!


This feller may be happy with this. I am certain there will be pangs of jealousy towards him having this young girlfriend.

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all i am scared of is this is it for me, im alone, bein alone and dieing alone


just cant stop thinking of all these things, i need a job and i need money


i need new mates to go out with i need to feel useful


everybody else has perfect lives they get it all and never ever appreciate it


i never want much, i have had councilling but they just focus on the past and raking stuff up


i have had cogniative behavoural therapists but they just focus on the now to give ur life a structure, but that soon falls flat after a while


i am doin all i can, im at the end of the road


i may aswell hang a sign on me that says stay away he is trouble, when that is the total opposite of what i want


thanks for the kind messages and stuff i know ur trying to help i do


And do you think you'd be happy if you had a job and a perfect little women? The grass isnt always as green on the otherside as you think.

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Women rarely ever leave unless they already have someone else to be with. Females are very calculating when it comes to moving on, they will ensure that the break up allows them the best chances of a better, more secure future. Once a women stops loving you and more importantly decides that she loves someone else, she will coldly leave her ex in the gutter without any real thought or care. I have seen this happen to so many guys, yet they never learn and within 10 years they have gone through the whole sorry saga again at least once if not twice more. The terrible emotional and financial state this leaves them in is usually devestating.


Very very few marriages / relationships last forever and the institution of marriage and the concept of children only favours the woman once the relationship ends. Why so many men allow themselves to be suckered into such a bad deal with hopeless odds of success beggers belief.


So Jason, if you are like me, mid thirties, never married, never had children, think yourself either very lucky or very clever to not have fallen for the biggest con tricks to swindle every man out of his time and money that exists. Your only problem is that you don't earn much, that is the only issue you need to deal with. Once you earn decent money as a bachelor the world becomes an amazing place. I own my own lovely home, drive a nice car, have money in the bank and my current girlfriend is 22 :) But, the freedom I enjoy is why being a bachelor is so amazing. All of my married friends are so envious of me and yet they could have been in exactly the same position but they chose to screw themselves by getting married and having kids. I truly pity them.


Great post btw.

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This feller may be happy with this. I am certain there will be pangs of jealousy towards him having this young partner.
He doesn't sound very happy, though, does he? He's comprehensively rubbished all women on this basis of the few he knows, so must have had a very bad experience in his past. We don't know how old he is, but he must also be living in fear that his 'young' girlfriend will either find omeone richer or younger than him, if that's how he regards women?


Most women I've known who leave a relationship do it purely because they can't stand it any longer. And women with children most of the time won't find another partner because a lot of men don't want to take on another man's children.


Northend has already said that his wife has told him some hurtful home truths about himself, which are probably the reasons that she's taking the extreme step of splitting the family unit up. Something which is never easy for anyone.


And as for trying to comfort people with the fallacious idea that there's 'someone' out there for them ... that's just giving false hope. Many people will never meet anyone who'll make them happy. It's just a fact. Better to face it and make lots of friends than wait around for the 'one' and be lonely all your life.




I have short term relationships with females I am always brutally honest with and remain friends with all of them once they decide to move on but we have a great time until then.
I just saw this, so my previous comment is wrong, about him being scared of losing a partner. They aren't actually partners, just short term image boosters :D
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