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I think ill just sit here and hit refresh. Everytime I read a reply and go back to the main page there is another one!
But at least we're having a laugh! Could be worse, could be watching Jeremy Kyle or something equally dire!


I have to go soon though, going to an Easter Bonnet hog roast thingy now it's stopped raining.

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Your dinner's in the dog.....




As far as it goes Cad, i've never come out of a relationship financially better off than I went in. I can't imagine finding a man tolerable solely for the contents of his wallet, if I'm going to have any sort of relationship then it has to be with the person, not their possessions.


Yeah but that's just you. There are lots and lots of blokes who go into a relationship and very rarely do you find one who has come out better off than when he went in.


And for some females there is the added bonus of having residency of children and using those children to control the male after the split up. Not saying all do - but some certainly do.


We are talking generalities and you can rarely find facts and figures to back up any claims. That's not you - you, but the general 'you' to the population ;)


I am happy that cad&bounder is happy with his lot in life. I have enjoyed long term relationships and been married and had children, and yes there are heartaches and upsets. It's life. I have beautiful children and happy memories that cad&bounder will never know if he sticks to what he says.


Each to his/her own.

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Yeah but that's just you. There are lots and lots of blokes who go into a relationship and very rarely do you find one who has come out better off than when he went in.


And for some females there is the added bonus of having residency of children and using those children to control the male after the split up. Not saying all do - but some certainly do.


We are talking generalities and you can rarely find facts and figures to back up any claims. That's not you - you, but the general 'you' to the population ;)


I am happy that cad&bounder is happy with his lot in life. I have enjoyed long term relationships and been married and had children, and yes there are heartaches and upsets. It's life. I have beautiful children and happy memories that cad&bounder will never know if he sticks to what he says.


Each to his/her own.


Actually it's not just me, i can't think of any of my female friends who've come out of a relationship financially better off than when they went in.

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Actually it's not just me, i can't think of any of my female friends who've come out of a relationship financially better off than when they went in.


I cannot think of any females who have not come out better off one way or another, while the men I know all go through the same stages after a break up.


What is it? Disbelief that it has happened. Denial that it has happened. Hope that it will mend. Anger that the other person is doing so well. Hard work rebuilding. And then ....

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I have total freedom and freedom as a man is such a hard thing to acquire.



You're kidding yourself mate - from all that you've said - you're anything BUT free ...


all you talk about are pounds and pence which you're obviously very restricted by - far from being FREE


You come across as a "slave to the wage" who works for "the man" in one form or another...


4 weeks "freedom" per year and the odd weekend hardly constitutes real freedom


and it seems like all your trappings and shackles of modern materialist society are your own personal jail....horses for courses.... but not FREEDOM :rolleyes:

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Jason you sound like a soft lad. Man the f@@k up.



I dont know why all these people still believe in this idea called "love", the only unconditional love that exists in the universe is between a mother and child, and all true love should be unconditional, even then this relies on mother not rejecting baby with summat like pnd. The idea of finding your one true love or whatever other bullshizzle is a flasehood forced onto us from our earliest days of going to the pantomine, movies, etc, it doesnt work like in the fairytales! Its obvious when you try to believe in something that doesnt exist its just going to end up dissappointing you. People like to create these safety nets around themselves, living in their version of the truth, but its all so much simpler in reality, best advice is, get ye sen a job, then get ye sen a milf off tinternet.

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