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Dating Agencies in Sheffield

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Cad, I can see where you are coming from, I lived my single years much the same as you. Fancy west end flat, car, cash, girls, and an endless round of nightclubs, flash nights out, and holidays. I was based in London at the time, and rarely saw daylight hours during the winter.


It hit a point where I felt there was lots missingin my full life, I sold my flat, headed back north and carried on the single life, meeting and dating another string of girls.


Eventually I met someone who turned me upside down, well not literally but I'm sure you know what I mean. It was a big change, and an even bigger one when my son came along. I cant imagine now not having the last 20ish years, and look forward to the next 20,30,40 however many.


Yes, I still have the cars, a beautiful home, cash, and most of all a fantastic son and step daughter to leave it all to, and to be frank, if you were honest with yourself you crave that with as much of a passion that the OP does. He is quite patently not in a position to get there yet, but you my friend once your expanded cranium is removed from your own **** chute might manage it, you simply need to look in the right place. FFS a marriage does not have to be a war zone, nor are there really that many gold diggers in the more respectable places. It sounds like you have a string of relationships with gold diggers who once they cannot penetrate your cast iron defences round your wallet, and maybe not gold diggers who cannot penetrate your emotions simply will not hang around. There are very few women around who do not want the married secure life blessed with children.


Your cheap shot reference sex is a laugh, remember the old adage, 'its better to have loved and lost than to spend your whole life ****ing.


Harry Brown .... a movie and a half, I'll settle down and watch it with my wife and son AGAIN.

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hello folks,


i never ment to cause any arguments and bickering, i was only looking for some agencies in sheffield if there are any, nevermind


i know how much committment it takes to have a relationship, children the works


i know i am and have been and will still be in a dark place for as long as i am out of work, on my own and without any self-confidence to go on


i am never in denyal about what things entail, i have made stupid mistakes in my past and i have done alsorts of bad and embarassing things to myself and other people


i know i will make mistakes again and i have learned from what my past has tought me


so thats that


i have had 1 night stands, i have messed around i have done all of that, but i have never been a bad role model and i have never deliberately been evil or violent or agressive towards anyone, i have been fetched up correctly, to show respect and love to other people, tho i have lived on my own for 7 years, being on ya own teaches ya to be street wise, independent and strong to cope when the **** hits the fan, i have a family round me who try their best but they never really understand depression as they have never suffered with it, so its hard for them to understand when i say i need this and that


i think they just want me happy but i need more than they can give, i need more people there for me with emotional support, to some people that is too much to give and can be a strain, but sometimes i needs simple things like listening or just giving a helping hand, tho i know how demanding this can be for others i think its not asking for much


i dont want to say to much of what has happened in my past as there is no point raking it up, but i will say one of my major problems has been one of my exes, who has single handedly distroyed my life, along with a small childs, just for her own selfish evil spitefull needs, she got what she wanted and now she will have it forever, no matter who or how much she has done to put the most impossible of situations beyond my reach, so i left it at that


i know if i do get a job then lots of things will follow, confidence and social activity so i have go a heads up with that


just if u have had 3 years of hell that has beaten u down u find no hope, i wish miss right was out there so i can trust and love again but im never that lucky


i dont want people feeling sorry for me, i have loads to offer but wud be nice to find someone who want to commit, to try new things to settle down, nowt wrong there


i know i need some fun to let my hair down and meet people without ties, but my life is at a crossroads and i am being realistic in what i need, i know i need a job, money, security to get anything, i have lots of balls rolling in the right directions so i am doing stuff, just some luck and some sunshine would be nice aswell xxx

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That used to be the case but about a year ago users of this service were informed that it was being withdrawn and that items that previously went into yellow bags for collection should now be put in with the ordinary household waste.


lol, I am pretty old, true. But it's a very small avatar. I know who Donald Trump is, he's the man with the comedy hair! Now, being honest, you would have to have no ego to be prepared to date a man with that hair! I wouldn't care if he had all the money in the world, no way! :D


All men are users, you're all just in denial. You're obviously a user, you just don't want to admit it, so you're blaming the victim. Poor little girls barely out of their teens being eaten up and spat out by a elderly predator. tut tut you should be ashamed of yourself. :|


Im realy suprised by that comment Ruby,All men arent users,there are some gentlemen left. Ones just replied to your post.

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Im realy suprised by that comment Ruby,All men arent users,there are some gentlemen left. Ones just replied to your post.
If you read the whole thread, you can surely see that I'm just giving cad&abounder his own coin back in kind.


You know I don't really think all men are losers. don't you? We've had a laugh together before. And will again. ;)



PS not sure about the relevance of the yellow bags though? :huh:

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