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Top Tory wants to deny Gay couples access to B and B’s

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He's entitled to his opinion and to be honest I think he's wrong. However his point is that people should be able to invite whom they want into their own home, not that he wants to deny them access. Frankly this is one of those "who cares" situations and his biggest crime is not keeping his daft gob shut.


Do you think that Nazis* should be able to insist on equal legal access to B&B's if the proprietor doesn't want them?






I think he is entitle to more than an opinion. As an MP he is required to have one. The House of Commons would be a waste of time if all MPs had to have the same politically correct opinions. There would never be any change in the law and the same pinko liberal agenda would be enforced without the need for debate.


It seems the loonies aren't content to remove freedom of speech from the population they also want to remove it from politicians. And that is exactly what Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini did.

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the point ISNT whether they have a right to stop people using their place as they see fit.

the point is that it shows homophobia is still rife in society and people still harbour grudges and hatred to innocent people just getting on with their lives just like the rest of us.


whos next? single parents? unmarried parents?

drug users?

people with old criminal records?

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Just to prove that the Tories are as nasty as ever, we have the Shadow Home secretary recorded as saying that the proprietors of Bed and Breakfast accommodation should have the right to reject Gay couples.


Just quite how he intends administering equality legislation is a mystery to me, what next will he allow them to reject people who like a drink.




Mr Grayling is considerably out of step with his party, and I for one hope he is moved to another department when the Tories get in. Saying this chap is representative of the Tories is about as correct as saying Dennis Skinner is representative of the Labour party.

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As Cyclone points out, what about a corner shop? Should a small shop owner, who lives on the premises, also be able to refuse serving gays?


Should a chemist be allowed to refuse to supply contaceptives or morning after pills? Surely if they won't provide the full range of services as required by the profession they should look for an alternative trade.

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the point ISNT whether they have a right to stop people using their place as they see fit.

the point is that it shows homophobia is still rife in society and people still harbour grudges and hatred to innocent people just getting on with their lives just like the rest of us.


Good point, well made.


I get sick of listening to all the homophobic bigotry on S.F, because, frankly, the majority of those doing the bleating haven't got the first clue as to what most gay people's journey's are like.


Instead, they sit in their Ivory tower casting judgements on everyone and everything they don't like - just because they're so unhappy with themselves that the only way they can deal with it is by spreading it around. Perhaps they need to see others as inferior in order to make themselves feel superior. Whatever, it stinks.


If they had to spend a little time walking in our shoes, they might see things a little differently. I can't begin to imagine how the couple in question felt when they were turned away. Outraged I imagine (and rightly so).


We're not asking for special treatment here - many gay people don't. We just want to be treated like everyone else.


What's wrong with that?


Some folk need to spend less time obsessing about what others are doing and instead getting on with their own lives.


Luckily, the bigots are in a minority.

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