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Top Tory wants to deny Gay couples access to B and B’s

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Mr Grayling is considerably out of step with his party, and I for one hope he is moved to another department when the Tories get in. Saying this chap is representative of the Tories is about as correct as saying Dennis Skinner is representative of the Labour party.


To be honest Graylings views are likely to be COMPLETEY representative of the Tory party. It's just a case of don't say what we think in public.

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Good point, well made.


I get sick of listening to all the homophobic bigotry on S.F, because, frankly, the majority of those doing the bleating haven't got the first clue as to what most gay people's journey's are like.


Instead, they sit in their Ivory tower casting judgements on everyone and everything they don't like - just because they're so unhappy with themselves that the only way they can deal with it is by spreading it around. Perhaps they need to see others as inferior in order to make themselves feel superior. Whatever, It stinks.


If they had to spend a little time walking in our shoes, they might see things a little differently. I can't begin to imagine how the couple in question felt when they were turned away. Outraged I imagine (and rightly so).


We're not asking for special treatment here - many gay people don't. We just want to be treated like everyone else.


What's wrong with that?


Some folk need to spend less time obsessing about what others are doing and instead getting on with their own lives. Luckily, these people are in a minority.


they cant, i suppose thats why im different as in i CAN empathise with others and put my self in their shoes, i may not believe in what they are doing or particulary like it.

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