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Lizzie Dripping Womens dance team are looking for new members

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Lizzie Dripping is a team that offers a wide variety of dance stayles including step dances, tap routines, team and traditional dances. We pra:help:ctice every Wednesday evening between 8pm and 10pm and are looking for new members NOW! We practice at the Burton Street Project in Hillsborough. If anyone fancies coming along to join in the dancing or play along with our band, they will be made most welcome.

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Hi, can complete dance beginners come along? My friend and I have been looking for a dance class for awhile, like the sound of your routine dances, something which you're not tied to dancing to with a partner.

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Hi there


Yes, complete beginners can join Lizzie Dripping - the more the merrier. The members have a variety of past experiences - some ceidhl (not sure if that is the right spelling!) dancers, some tap, some clog so that variety is a good thing!

If you are thinking of coming along this Wednesday, let me know and I will look out for you and you can come along and see what happens. The side will be dancing out in Sheffield City Centre this Saturday - as part of the Sheffield Giants day of celebration so this weeks practice on Wednesday will be getting everyone sorted for that but you will get a taster of the dances we do and how we get ourselves organised.

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Hi there again


We had a great dance out in Sheffield City Centre yesterday and the we got lots of applause from the crowds - always a good thing!

Anyway, to practices, Is it likely that you two will be coming this Wednesday. If so, let me know as I am going to be late that evening and want to make sure I get folks there to meet and greet you - nowt worse than no-one expecting you when you are new!!

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Hello there Cinnamon and yes, you too will be made most welcome. The practices are at the Capel Building at the Burton St Project. You get to this building by going off the main Burton Rd into the car park area. At the back of the car park is a lovely sensory garden place and the building just to the side of that is the Capel building. Sadly I will not be there on Wed 12th May but Lindsey will be at 8pm to welcome you - practices are from 8pm to 10pm. There is a curious code lock on the building door but just bang on it and locate Lindsey and you will be just fine! We generally have a bit of a warm up and then set to practicing some dances. We have a variery of very experienced dancers to the complete novice. We also have a great band playing some lovely music. Bring along some comfy shoes and perhaps a bottle of water (- thirsty work!)

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