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BNP candidate for Brightside arrested for 'threats to kill Nick Griffin'

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I just don't like it when the very same tactics these pople are accused of are used against them.


Its just wrong and can only help their cause.


Which tactics are you referring to?

Pointing out that Collett is a jumped up psychopath?

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Which tactics are you referring to?

Pointing out that Collett is a jumped up psychopath?


If you could only see yourself as others do.


Why don't you send this thread to one of your parents and see what their comments might be.


Good luck with that.

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I don't think anything on this site reflects on the guy at all.


What does that mean? This isn't a news website and there are plenty of other sites that document the BNP's violent activities.


If you'd like to find out more about Mark Collett and his unpleasant ways, go type his name into YouTube. There's a documentary "Young, Nazi and Proud" all about him.


Other than complaining that people are discussing the new item about a local election candidate allegedly threatening to kill the leader of his party, do you have anything to actually add to the discussion?

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If you could only see yourself as others do.


Why don't you send this thread to one of your parents and see what their comments might be.


Good luck with that.


Not able to answer the question then. I'm not surprised.

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If you could only see yourself as others do.


Why don't you send this thread to one of your parents and see what their comments might be.


Good luck with that.


That has to be one of the most bizarre insults I have ever seen :huh: I somehow don't think any of us waste any sleep over what Some People On The Internet think about us. Do you?

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If you could only see yourself as others do.


Why don't you send this thread to one of your parents and see what their comments might be.


Good luck with that.


My parents would probably wonder what the hell you were whittering about. Thats after they stopped laughing about Naziboy and his racist party.

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Meanwhile, it's not going well for Rotherham councillor John Gamble. He's just been kicked out of his third far right party in the space of a year!


He was kicked out of the BNP last June after a row with the party leaders (did he threaten to kill Griffin?).


He then joined a tiny BNP splinter group called the English First Party before

defecting to the white-supremacist National Front - briefly becoming its first councillor in 35 years. But the NF kicked him out after just a few weeks over comments he made to The Star.

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Meanwhile, it's not going well for Rotherham councillor John Gamble. He's just been kicked out of his third far right party in the space of a year!


He was kicked out of the BNP last June after a row with the party leaders (did he threaten to kill Griffin?).


He then joined a tiny BNP splinter group called the English First Party before

defecting to the white-supremacist National Front - briefly becoming its first councillor in 35 years. But the NF kicked him out after just a few weeks over comments he made to The Star.


I used to communicate with various far right parties using a pseudonym and a PO Box and they are great fun. Get two of them in a room and within 30 minutes you'll have a split, usually a violent one.


They make the Peoples Front of Judea seem like a normal political party.

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So, recently....


Wales BNP Co-ordinator Roger Phillips is arrested for making death threats during a 12-minute rant left on the answerphone of a man who posted anti-BNP videos on YouTube.


The same man left a message on Baroness Uddin's facebook page saying "Dear Baroness Uddin, were [sic] going to hang you one day"


The Lib Dem candidate standing against Griffin received a message a few weeks ago from an identifiable BNP supporter threatening "You'll be found dead on the streets".


And Sheffield BNP candidate Mark Collett is arrested over alleged threats to kill the leader of his own party!


Weren't they just meant to hate coloureds? It seems they also hate white lib dems and even each other!

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He has a redeeming quality Halibut, he wants Griffin pushing up daisies. ;)


Indeed if he stood in Brightside as an independent on a platform of killing Nick Griffin I think he might stand a chance of being elected. :hihi:

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