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BNP candidate for Brightside arrested for 'threats to kill Nick Griffin'

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So, recently....


Wales BNP Co-ordinator Roger Phillips is arrested for making death threats during a 12-minute rant left on the answerphone of a man who posted anti-BNP videos on YouTube.


The same man left a message on Baroness Uddin's facebook page saying "Dear Baroness Uddin, were [sic] going to hang you one day"


The Lib Dem candidate standing against Griffin received a message a few weeks ago from an identifiable BNP supporter threatening "You'll be found dead on the streets".


And Sheffield BNP candidate Mark Collett is arrested over alleged threats to kill the leader of his own party!


Weren't they just meant to hate coloureds? It seems they also hate white lib dems and even each other!


What a horrible bunch of thugs they are. Why vote for terrorists?

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Guest sibon
has this collet bloke actualy commited any offence like blunkett?


The answer to your question is... almost certainly.


Threatening to kill someone is a criminal offence, even if the someone is Nick Griffin. He hasn't been convicted of a criminal offence, but then again, neither has David Blunkett.


Blunkett, for all his failings has done far more good for this country than a little scrote like Collett will ever do.


I've chosen a brief clip, because I sense that you might have a short attention span.:)
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Nick Griffin claims that he is the leader of a moderate and non-violent BNP.


Griffin has now undermined his own claims after making a statement to the police that Mark Collett - his own head of publicity and would-be BNP candidate in Sheffield Brightside - has been plotting to kill him!

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