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BNP candidate for Brightside arrested for 'threats to kill Nick Griffin'

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Sorry, are you BNP or ex-BNP?


You do know that the ban on recruiting is still in force don't you? :suspect:



Not as far as I'm aware it isn't, membership is open. It's probably due to you reading out of date information from sites and blogs that have lost that arguement and have suddenly gone quiet on the issue.

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What has this to do with Collett?

He's a white supremacist and well known race hater - therefore your own assertion that brown babies can't ever be beautiful suggests that you are also a white supremacist and perhaps explains your reluctance to condemn him as the odious turd he is.


Interesting that you don't deny ever having said it.


Sorry, Halibut, it was BritPat:




Interesting that Streamline isn't denying he holds the same belief, though.

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Not as far as I'm aware it isn't, membership is open.


The current position for anyone interested:


In January of this year, the judge issued an injunction preventing the BNP from recruiting new members citing Section 4 of their constitution as illegal, and advising them to withdraw it.


Griffin then used his powers as fuhrer to unilaterally amend the wording of the constitution, to remove the obligation on applicants to adhere to the principles of the party, and then opened the membership again.


The injunction still stands and the 'altered constitution' is still subject to challenge in the courts.


Effectively what the BNP has done, is to say 'in principle we are a racist party, but to join us you don't have to adhere to that principle as that requirement is illegal.'


What that means in effect, is that I could join the BNP and use their resources to campaign on pro working-class, anti-racist issues and they couldn't throw me out of the party, as under their membership rules I DO NOT HAVE TO ADHERE TO THE PRINCIPLES OF THE PARTY.


Absolutely nuts!


John X

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The current position for anyone interested:


In January of this year, the judge issued an injunction preventing the BNP from recruiting new members citing Section 4 of their constitution as illegal, and advising them to withdraw it.


Griffin then used his powers as fuhrer to unilaterally amend the wording of the constitution, to remove the obligation on applicants to adhere to the principles of the party, and then opened the membership again.


The injunction still stands and the 'altered constitution' is still subject to challenge in the courts.


Effectively what the BNP has done, is to say 'in principle we are a racist party, but to join us you don't have to adhere to that principle as that requirement is illegal.'


What that means in effect, is that I could join the BNP and use their resources to campaign on pro working-class, anti-racist issues and they couldn't throw me out of the party, as under their membership rules I DO NOT HAVE TO ADHERE TO THE PRINCIPLES OF THE PARTY.


Absolutely nuts!


John X



So the membership is open and Griffin was given the right to change the constitution as the court required by the membership.


The court would have been happy with this arrangement as it saves costs and time but then a twerp like you comes along and calls Nick Griffin a Fuhrer for doing it.


You obviously wanted the BNP tied up in legal knots for ever more and unfortunately for you and people like you this hasn't happened. I'd get used to it and go back the spreading BS whenever you can.


Oops you taken the advice already I see...:hihi:

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So the membership is open and Griffin was given the right to change the constitution as the court required by the membership.


The BNP is still a racist party and the constitution change did not remove the racist clauses, it just allowed members to join without being forced to adhere to these racist clauses.


Don't the knots that the BNP has tied itself in to get out of this, embarrass you?


Doesn't the fact that the party you love had to be dragged before the courts because of its constitutional racism, not embarrass you?


And the 'fuhrer' comment about Griffin was a little reminder to everyone that he has the final say on all policy matters.


Why would anyone want to belong to a party with such little regard for democracy?


John X

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Compared to who or what?


Magaret Hodge at the time leader of Islington Council who covered up Child abuse who bullied one of the victims being Minister of Children for example??



thats not her real name,its oppenheimer.


Is that important?

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