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BNP candidate for Brightside arrested for 'threats to kill Nick Griffin'

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Serious question GetItDone.


The above site which you keep linking to, which is supposed to expose lies, crime and corruption, never has any stories about the BNP on it.


Why is that?


John X


Because clearly the site owner is sympathetic to the BNP. It tells no lies about the other parties though.

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The above site which you keep linking to, which is supposed to expose lies, crime and corruption, never has any stories about the BNP on it.


I can answer that. There are two reasons.


1. It's a BNP-run site. There are links at the bottom and on the right bar to BNP sites.


2. It is called "liars, buggers and thieves" (two generally legal things and one relatively low-level crime). If it was to list the BNP crimes it would be called "bombers, rapists and terrorists".

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Because clearly the site owner is sympathetic to the BNP. It tells no lies about the other parties though.


Would you be bothered if a muslim political party employed a known bomber?


The bnp does, how would you feel if a muslim party copied them?


2nd time.

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Would you be bothered if a muslim political party employed a known bomber?


The bnp does, how would you feel if a muslim party copied them?


2nd time.


2nd time?? :confused:


It would bother me yes. I personally wouldn't employ a convicted bomber.

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I can answer that. There are two reasons.


1. It's a BNP-run site. There are links at the bottom and on the right bar to BNP sites.


2. It is called "liars, buggers and thieves" (two generally legal things and one relatively low-level crime). If it was to list the BNP crimes it would be called "bombers, rapists and terrorists".


What about child porn, assault and drug dealing?

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Because clearly the site owner is sympathetic to the BNP. It tells no lies about the other parties though.


Fair enough, but given the BNP's schizophrenic relationship with the truth, why should we believe anything published on that site?


John X

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That was Stalin's view.... and someone else's.... hmm can't think now who that might have been.


Explain something to me about socialism will you.


Lets say we lived in an egalitarian, socialist society where the means of production were in the hands of working people and not the minority capital class, - surely industry would still need management and supervisors and so on, right?


Thing is, not everyone is management/supervisor material, so would we not end up back in a situation where "the cream rises to the top" like before?


And also, would managers and supervisors be paid more to reflect their responsibilty?

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2nd time?? :confused:


It would bother me yes. I personally wouldn't employ a convicted bomber.


So why defend those who do? You defend the bnp and their rapist/paedophile members, but you admit you disagree with their policies.


Aren't you a bit confused?

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Explain something to me about socialism will you.


Lets say we lived in an egalitarian, socialist society where the means of production were in the hands of working people and not the minority capital class, - surely industry would still need management and supervisors and so on, right?


Thing is, not everyone is management/supervisor material, so would we not end up back in a situation where "the cream rises to the top" like before?


And also, would managers and supervisors be paid more to reflect their responsibilty?


Socialism isn't incompatible with a meritocracy, indeed by de-emphasising inherited wealth it incentivises merit.

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