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BNP candidate for Brightside arrested for 'threats to kill Nick Griffin'

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They can do, yes, it depends on what people want.


Well apart from doing away with inherited wealth i dont see what real change this "socialism" will end up having on society.


I dont think socialism stands up to scrutiny actualy; the reality is, we're not all equal, some people are cleverer than others and have more about them and will rise to management and supervisor level and be paid more as a result because if they wern't who would want all the responsibility of a manager or a supervisor? and companies do need managers and supervisors because they couldn't function properly otherwise.


Wouldn't the difference in pay-and therefore living standards between management and the workers, make for an unequal society?

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The reality is, we're not all equal,


But no-one is looking for a society where everybody is actually and literally equal.


It will always be the case that different people will excel at different things. What is more important is 'equality of opportunity', and finding a place and useful function for everybody, from those who want to design and develop the technology of the future to those who just want to make beautiful art.


Lord help us, I've just realised there is actually a real political discussion going on on a 'BNP thread' here, rather than the usual "God isn't it terrible having all these immigrants here?" :)


John X

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Well apart from doing away with inherited wealth i dont see what real change this "socialism" will end up having on society.


I dont think socialism stands up to scrutiny actualy; the reality is, we're not all equal, some people are cleverer than others and have more about them and will rise to management and supervisor level and be paid more as a result because if they wern't who would want all the responsibility of a manager or a supervisor? and companies do need managers and supervisors because they couldn't function properly otherwise.


Wouldn't the difference in pay-and therefore living standards between management and the workers, make for an unequal society?


No it wouldn't make for an unequal society. The Political and Social equality wanted by socilaism is about equality of opportunity and equality before the law, not equality of treatment.

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No it wouldn't make for an unequal society. The Political and Social equality wanted by socilaism is about equality of opportunity and equality before the law, not equality of treatment.


So to be clear, if i had an idea for a business and sought to strike out on my own to better myself financialy...a "socialist" government wouldnt stand in my way and say..oh no you dont..you work for the state, not for yourself you selfish little so and so!!?


I think that a socialist state would put the kibosh on my plans. I put it to you that socialism is an ideology based largely on envy.

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So to be clear, if i had an idea for a business and sought to strike out on my own to better myself financialy...a "socialist" government wouldnt stand in my way and say..oh no you dont..you work for the state, not for yourself you selfish little so and so!!?


I think that a socialist state would put the kibosh on my plans. I put it to you that socialism is an ideology based largely on envy.


Socialism is more than just Marxism, and even under a Marxist transitional Government small businesses would have the freedom to operate. What happens after the transitional government, in a Marxist society is down to society itself to decide democratically as it goes through the process of learning to work cooperatively, the theory is that the people would become liberated and reject envy as a motivation.

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If you want to debate socialism, then please start a thread regarding that, and leave this one on topic.


Thanks awfully, chaps.


My apologies. I think we got on to it through the observation of the link between the BNP's approach and some notorious socialist countries in the past.

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To bring this back on topic. It is interesting what the commission said about the accounts adding more credence to the view that Collett falling out of favour with the party is related to the BNP's finances.


It follows comments by the registered auditors, Silver & Co, that the financial statements submitted did not "give a true and fair view of the state of the party's affairs at December 31, 2008".


The auditors went on: "In our opinion it cannot be said that the accounts comply with the requirements of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, as adequate records have not been made available."


A statement released by the commission said: "In January 2010 the Electoral Commission, the independent party finance watchdog, began a case review following concerns raised in the independent auditor's opinion about the adequacy of the 2008 statement of accounts of the British National Party.



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