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BNP candidate for Brightside arrested for 'threats to kill Nick Griffin'

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The BNP is still a racist party and the constitution change did not remove the racist clauses, it just allowed members to join without being forced to adhere to these racist clauses.


Of course it is John because if it wasn't a large part of your online activities would cease to exist. Perhaps like some you even have a paid role that would cease to function and you therefore would be on the dole.



Don't the knots that the BNP has tied itself in to get out of this, embarrass you?



I'm more embarrassed for the likes of you John that have to twist just about everything you write about the BNP.




Doesn't the fact that the party you love had to be dragged before the courts because of its constitutional racism, not embarrass you?



Eh no, especially when I can fairly easily identify loads of organisations that arrange themselves along racial lines that are ignored by the so called equality commission. Before you start whining that the BNP are a political organisation, at least some of the organisations I speak of are in fact no more than lobby groups and have no public mandate whatsoever.



And the 'fuhrer' comment about Griffin was a little reminder to everyone that he has the final say on all policy matters.


No it wasn't, it was a snide little childish insult, because if it wasn't that means you know very little about the BNP and aren't aware that the BNP have to organise themselves in such a way to stop other organisations from infiltrating the organisation and destroying them from within.



By all means deny that is the case and show yourself up or be man enough to admit that you recognise the above has happened and you might get some respect.



Why would anyone want to belong to a party with such little regard for democracy?


Based on the above and the deliberate attempts to wreck the party, which part of the word Democracy don't you understand?

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Collett took the best part of £100000 out of the BNP either in payments to himself or to his company and that is just the amounts in the accounts.


£100,000 !! That's a serious theft. What's your source for this information?

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£100,000 !! That's a serious theft. What's your source for this information?



It's not theft. It's what he and his company was paid over the last couple of years and declared in the BNP accounts. I can give you the exact payments broken down month by month if you want.

Of course the BNP accounts are a wondrous work of fiction as the Electoral Commission are about to find out.

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Really? Coming from a no mark like you is really credible. :loopy:


The problem with throwing insults like that around, is that you personalise opposition to the BNP and completely miss the point that the vast majority of the British public find the BNP and its politics utterly repulsive!


Do you really think that the party is on the verge of some great breakthrough? It's not going to happen for two important reasons.


Firstly the organistion of the party is a joke.


The quality of its officers and most of its activists and elected councillors is well below standard for a party of its size. Your legal director, Lee Barnes who the BNP describe as "one of Britain’s top legal minds" thinks Barak Obama is gay because he 'shaves his chest'. Your party's funds are a mess and while you slag off mainstream politicians for corruption, your own officers are lining their pockets with members' funds. You have convicted terrorists in senior positions in the party, candidates being arrested for making death threats against other party members, an abnormally high number of child abuse and weapons convictions and allegations within membership and leadership alike.


The list just goes on and on.


But secondly, and more importantly, your party will never be anything more than a dumping ground for a particular type of uninformed protest vote because, British people are politically too laid back for extremist politics. We have an honourable tradition of anti-fascism here, from opposing Mosley's blackshirts in the '30s to standing firm against Hitler in the '40s, to defeating the National Front in the '70s.


In 1936, thousands of British working class men and women went to fight the fascists in Spain. Thousands of middle and upper class Englishmen went to fight for Franco. Don't you dare tell me the BNP represents the working class.


Nothing could be further form the truth! A party which seeks to divide the working class can never be a friend of the working class.


Perhaps like some you even have a paid role that would cease to function and you therefore would be on the dole.


Pretending that there is some great, funded conspiracy against the BNP makes you look paranoid, foolish and immature.


You tried earlier to justify Griffin's dictatorial powers by saying it is a defence against infiltration. Has it ever crossed your mind that he himself may be a plant by the British state? What do you really know about him and what he believes. And didn't he go to Cambridge University? You do know that Oxford and Cambridge is where most MI5 and MI6 spooks are recruited?


Makes you think, doesn't it? :roll:


John X

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How exactly is she implicated in the destruction of our steel industry, because she has investments in a german steel manufacturer? That is a pretty weak argument.


By the same argument Nick Griffin should be condemned for undermining the building industry for owning property in Croatia!


Rubbish, her investment are mainly in the India Steel Industry, hardly anything is invested any where in the EU, let alone germany.


Whay can't you accept its a fact that this labour minister is not simply 'implicated' in the demiss of the british steel industry but actualy stands at the helm of the organisation deliberatly attempting its demise.

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John Gault claims to be a socialist too, but I think he might be something else.


Your 'attempts' at sluring me are simply pathetic, and indicative of your true nature.


Remember you are here decrying the BNP for their behaviour and indeed the pot is calling the kettle black for sure.

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If you want to go down the conspiracy route Griffins father is one of the leading Freemasons in the country.


A Double Presentation to our longest serving Brother



W. Bro. Edgar Griffin, P.G.J.D., R.A.M.G.R., a member of Welchpool Lodge of M.M.M. No. 1084 and Welchpool Lodge of R.A.M. No. 1084 was recently honoured by the presentation of two Long Service Awards by the Provincial Grand Master. R.W. Bro. T. Gareth Williams, on behalf of the M.W. Grand Master, Bro. H.R.H. Prince Michael of Kent.


Edgar was Advanced over 61 years ago into Barnet Mark Lodge No. 947 on 13th May 1947. This Lodge met in No. 10 Duke Street, London SW1 and regrettably, some time later surrendered its Warrant and amalgamated with Mark Well Lodge No. 897 which now meets in Mark Masons Hall, St James's Street, and Edgar was installed as Worshipful Master in 1958,


Just four years after his Installation, in 1962 Edgar received the Grand Rank of Assistant Grand Inner Guard. It is interesting that there are only two other Brethren that have held Grand Rank longer than Edgar. Firstly, Sir Kenneth Maxwell Stoddard, the Past Prov. Grand Master of West Lancs. (and incidentally an Honorary Member of Maen Clo Lodge No. 1451 in this Province), who was appointed P.G.J.D. in 1960 (that's 47 years) and Bro John Henry Dresler who was appointed Grand Steward in 1961 (that's 46 years).


In 1992 he received further promotion to the rank of Active Grand Junior Deacon.

W. Bro. Edgar Griffin was Elevated in the Degree of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariner on 31st August 1955 (52 years ago) in the Barnet Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 947. He was Installed as Worshipful Commander in 1964. He was elected Holder of Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank in 1985 and received Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank in 1990.


After a period of years spent in Suffolk, and having been granted Honorary Membership of his Mark and RAM Lodges, he moved to Welchpool where he has continued his Masonic careers in our Degrees by becoming Worshipful Master in 2002 and Worshipful Commander in 2005.


The picture shows (from left to right), the Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. Edgar Griffin, P.G.J.D., R.A.M.G.R. and Bro. Mark Nixon, the Worshipful Master of Welchpool Mark Lodge No. 1084.


Since the entry of the above report, we are delighted to say that Edgar was honoured by the M.W. The Grand Master, Prince Michael of Kent by promotion to the rank of Past Grand Junior Overseer on 10th June 2008. Henceforth his title is, Very Worshipful Brother Edgar Griffin, P.G.J.O.



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