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BNP candidate for Brightside arrested for 'threats to kill Nick Griffin'

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The problem with throwing insults like that around, is that you personalise opposition to the BNP and completely miss the point that the vast majority of the British public find the BNP and its politics utterly repulsive!


Do you really think that the party is on the verge of some great breakthrough? It's not going to happen for two important reasons.


Firstly the organistion of the party is a joke.


The quality of its officers and most of its activists and elected councillors is well below standard for a party of its size. Your legal director, Lee Barnes who the BNP describe as "one of Britain’s top legal minds" thinks Barak Obama is gay because he 'shaves his chest'. Your party's funds are a mess and while you slag off mainstream politicians for corruption, your own officers are lining their pockets with members' funds. You have convicted terrorists in senior positions in the party, candidates being arrested for making death threats against other party members, an abnormally high number of child abuse and weapons convictions and allegations within membership and leadership alike.


The list just goes on and on.


But secondly, and more importantly, your party will never be anything more than a dumping ground for a particular type of uninformed protest vote because, British people are politically too laid back for extremist politics. We have an honourable tradition of anti-fascism here, from opposing Mosley's blackshirts in the '30s to standing firm against Hitler in the '40s, to defeating the National Front in the '70s.


In 1936, thousands of British working class men and women went to fight the fascists in Spain. Thousands of middle and upper class Englishmen went to fight for Franco. Don't you dare tell me the BNP represents the working class.


Nothing could be further form the truth! A party which seeks to divide the working class can never be a friend of the working class.




Pretending that there is some great, funded conspiracy against the BNP makes you look paranoid, foolish and immature.


You tried earlier to justify Griffin's dictatorial powers by saying it is a defence against infiltration. Has it ever crossed your mind that he himself may be a plant by the British state? What do you really know about him and what he believes. And didn't he go to Cambridge University? You do know that Oxford and Cambridge is where most MI5 and MI6 spooks are recruited?


Makes you think, doesn't it? :roll:


John X


LOL I see, so I am paranoid, immature and foolish and you seem to think you speak for the public, know the BNP intimately and offer up a conspiracy theory that you clearly spend your days battling against.



And you have the cheek to call other people nuts!! :loopy:

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Why does any of that have to be true?


Maybe like me and many others, he thinks that nazi scum like the BNP has no place in a modern, multicultural Britain.


And a credible alternative to Labour? Don't be so ridiculous. Fascism in western Europe died with Franco in 1978.


You lot have absolutely no chance! :roll:


The British people just wouldn't wear it! :)


John X


Well I belive the Nazi's would at least help you along with your education.


Franko died when?


Try 1975.:(

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The labour party do not have a convicted nail bomber holding a senior position in the party.


The bnp do, Tony Lecomber.


Would you support a muslim political party that employed a convicted terrorist?


If not, why do you defend the rapists and paedophiles in the bnp?


The labour party have employed a number of convicted terrorist in the past, one that comes to mind is Jake Prescott.

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you seem to think you speak for the public,


Well let's do the math then, as they say in america.


After Griffin's appearance on Question Time last year, a poll the following day found that 67% of those polled said they would never vote BNP under any circumstances.


Given that the average BNP vote has never exceeded 4%, tell me....


who do you think speaks for the public?


You or me?


John X

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Well I belive the Nazi's would at least help you along with your education.


Franko died when?


Try 1975.:(


2/10 must try harder! :D


'Franko' is spelled Franco and 1978 is the year democracy returned to Spain with the approval of the Spanish Constitution three years after Franco's death.


John X

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67% of those polled said they would never vote BNP under any circumstances.John X


Hmm, that leaves 33% who would vote for the BNP under one circumstance or another, frankly that surprises me.


Tell me, what percentage of the popular vote is needed to win a general ellection?

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Hmm, that leaves 33% who would vote for the BNP under one circumstance or another, frankly that surprises me.


Tell me, what percentage of the popular vote is needed to win a general ellection?


Don't get too excited. :D


from less than 4% to 33% is something which can only be achieved in the mind of a deranged optimist.


You talked about 'one circumstance or another'. Unless it could unite people around some huge (and up until now, unprecedented) issue like abolition of the monarchy, or a foreign invasion, a neo-fascist party would tear itself apart before it ever got anywhere near even 10% of the electorate. Just look at the infighting going on now when the BNP is on an all-time high and thinks they may even get their first MP.


Whatever you think of their politics, you have to agree that organisationally they are a group of cranks and misfits.


John X

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Hmm, that leaves 33% who would vote for the BNP under one circumstance or another, frankly that surprises me.


Tell me, what percentage of the popular vote is needed to win a general ellection?


In pretty much every by-election since June last year the BNPs vote has fallen compared to the previous election results. There have been loads of places where you would have expected the party to stand and they haven't and the evidence over the last years shows some decline.

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Well let's do the math then, as they say in america.


After Griffin's appearance on Question Time last year, a poll the following day found that 67% of those polled said they would never vote BNP under any circumstances.


Given that the average BNP vote has never exceeded 4%, tell me....


who do you think speaks for the public?


You or me?


John X


I make no claims to speak for the majority of the public as you do, however and since you are into polls:-



Sky News conducted one that found that 55% of the public were in agreement with BNP policies.

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