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BNP candidate for Brightside arrested for 'threats to kill Nick Griffin'

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Don't get too excited. :D


from less than 4% to 33% is something which can only be achieved in the mind of a deranged optimist.


You talked about 'one circumstance or another'. Unless it could unite people around some huge (and up until now, unprecedented) issue like abolition of the monarchy, or a foreign invasion, a neo-fascist party would tear itself apart before it ever got anywhere near even 10% of the electorate. Just look at the infighting going on now when the BNP is on an all-time high and thinks they may even get their first MP.


Whatever you think of their politics, you have to agree that organisationally they are a group of cranks and misfits.


John X


LOL, first we have your own conspiracy theories on Nick Griffin being State, then we have you claiming the BNP would tear itself apart even without your help and yet the State has to have groups such as the UAF paid to do what you claim would happen naturally.


You're looking more like a crank and a misfit everytime you write something with your idea of logic.


Perhaps you best take a step back and realise everything you make big issue with regarding the BNP happens to all other parties, the only difference here is you choose to ignore this "elephant in the room".

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In pretty much every by-election since June last year the BNPs vote has fallen compared to the previous election results. There have been loads of places where you would have expected the party to stand and they haven't and the evidence over the last years shows some decline.


WOW! Steps back in amazement.

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I make no claims to speak for the majority of the public as you do, however and since you are into polls:-



Sky News conducted one that found that 55% of the public were in agreement with BNP policies.



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Sky News conducted one that found that 55% of the public were in agreement with BNP policies.




So we are to expect a landslide victory for the BNP then? :D


Can't see that myself but dream on.


John X

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As for the comments about BNP's growing support...what growing support? They can't even get a full slate of candidates in their so-called stronghold areas! They gained 6% of the vote at the european elections...that's less than what they got last time!!

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After Griffin's appearance on Question Time last year, a poll the following day found that 67% of those polled said they would never vote BNP under any circumstances.


Sky News conducted one that found that 55% of the public were in agreement with BNP policies.


So if the poll following Griffins appearance was October 2009 and the Sky one I believe was 2006 is this not further indication that 'support' is in decline?

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BNP support in poll sparks anger


Peter Hain says his fears have been proved right after a poll suggested support for the BNP has risen after Nick Griffin appeared on Question Time.


A YouGov poll in the Daily Telegraph suggests 22% of people questioned would "seriously consider" voting BNP.


The Welsh secretary said: "The BBC has handed the BNP the gift of the century on a plate and now we see the consequences. I'm very angry."


An ex terrorist spits out his dummy.:hihi:

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Don't get too excited. :D


from less than 4% to 33% is something which can only be achieved in the mind of a deranged optimist.


You talked about 'one circumstance or another'. Unless it could unite people around some huge (and up until now, unprecedented) issue like abolition of the monarchy, or a foreign invasion, a neo-fascist party would tear itself apart before it ever got anywhere near even 10% of the electorate. Just look at the infighting going on now when the BNP is on an all-time high and thinks they may even get their first MP.


Whatever you think of their politics, you have to agree that organisationally they are a group of cranks and misfits.


John X


Like its never happend before, lol.

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