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BNP candidate for Brightside arrested for 'threats to kill Nick Griffin'

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Well I belive the Nazi's would at least help you along with your education.


Franko died when?


Try 1975.:(


Very Good! Does that come from an all round knowledge of history, or a more specialised interest in fascist dicatators?

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People who vote for UKIP and the BNP are completely clueless! Both parties advocate complete withdrawal from the EU. This would be a disaster for British companies, many of whom do huge amounts of business with Europe and sell their products in Europe. And what about all the British people who work in the EU or own property there, and vice versa - what would they have to do, pack their bags and come home? UKIP and BNP voters are simply stupid.



Where BNP councillors have been elected they have frequently failed to turn up to meetings, and one councillor did not even understand what the term "abstain" meant.


THe BNP want to "repatriate" or deport Theo Walcott, Lenny Henry, Meera Syall and many of our greatest British citizens who do not have white skins. This would include my best friend, my flat-mate, 3 of my work colleagues and lots of my mates. All of whom were born in this country and love this country because it it THEIR home!


UK politics has a big problem. BNP are not the solution.

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People who vote for UKIP and the BNP are completely clueless! Both parties advocate complete withdrawal from the EU. This would be a disaster for British companies, many of whom do huge amounts of business with Europe and sell their products in Europe.


And still would do business with EU countries were we to withdraw im sure.

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And still would do business with EU countries were we to withdraw im sure.


You support the BNP policy? Even though it would:


Leave Britain defenceless.


Without NATO, America or Europe, the BNP’s policy would leave Britain without allies in an increasingly chaotic world. We can’t ignore terrorism and hope it goes away. We can’t just close our eyes as other authoritarian regimes grow increasingly powerful.


- Leave Britain voiceless.


In today’s globalised world, issues such as the economy, environment and terror cross all national barriers. While the BNP plays on real worries about lost sovereignty in the EU, this doesn’t mean we can retreat from the world stage altogether.


Britain would have no say over global trade deals or environmental regulation, no lender of last resort in the IMF, no means of fighting global crime. Instead, we would likely see a wave of retaliatory trade barriers, destroying our economy and any hope the BNP might have of restoring British manufacturing


- Destroy Britain’s reputation.


Britain’s reputation would be destroyed in the wake of a BNP government. The world would not look on kindly as we turned back on it, and the consequences would not just be loss of esteem. Our tourism trade would plummet, and few companies would want to do business here. There result would be a real loss of wealth and jobs in our country


- Abandon our responsibility to the world.


The BNP would abandon Afghanistan & Iraq to terror, end all foreign aid and forsake all international responsibilities. Unlike the BNP, normal Britons compassion extends beyond these borders.


Britain has a proud history, of promoting freedom and democracy in the world. An isolationist Britain would not have ended slavery, defeated Hitler or stopped the genocide in Kosovo.



The BNP claim to be patriotic, and yet seem both ashamed of our record as a world leader and afraid that we could not compete against other nations.

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You support the BNP policy? Even though it would:


Leave Britain defenceless.


Without NATO, America or Europe, the BNP’s policy would leave Britain without allies in an increasingly chaotic world. We can’t ignore terrorism and hope it goes away. We can’t just close our eyes as other authoritarian regimes grow increasingly powerful.


- Leave Britain voiceless.


In today’s globalised world, issues such as the economy, environment and terror cross all national barriers. While the BNP plays on real worries about lost sovereignty in the EU, this doesn’t mean we can retreat from the world stage altogether.


Britain would have no say over global trade deals or environmental regulation, no lender of last resort in the IMF, no means of fighting global crime. Instead, we would likely see a wave of retaliatory trade barriers, destroying our economy and any hope the BNP might have of restoring British manufacturing


- Destroy Britain’s reputation.


Britain’s reputation would be destroyed in the wake of a BNP government. The world would not look on kindly as we turned back on it, and the consequences would not just be loss of esteem. Our tourism trade would plummet, and few companies would want to do business here. There result would be a real loss of wealth and jobs in our country


- Abandon our responsibility to the world.


The BNP would abandon Afghanistan & Iraq to terror, end all foreign aid and forsake all international responsibilities. Unlike the BNP, normal Britons compassion extends beyond these borders.


Britain has a proud history, of promoting freedom and democracy in the world. An isolationist Britain would not have ended slavery, defeated Hitler or stopped the genocide in Kosovo.



The BNP claim to be patriotic, and yet seem both ashamed of our record as a world leader and afraid that we could not compete against other nations.


Im simply saying that if Britain withdrew from the EU it wouldnt be GAME OVER for Britain like you scaremongering Europhyles make out... we would still trade with European countries, no sweat.

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People who vote for UKIP and the BNP are completely clueless! Both parties advocate complete withdrawal from the EU. This would be a disaster for British companies, many of whom do huge amounts of business with Europe and sell their products in Europe. And what about all the British people who work in the EU or own property there, and vice versa - what would they have to do, pack their bags and come home? UKIP and BNP voters are simply stupid.


Since when does either party advocate stop doing business with the EU? Only a stupid person would think that, but to patronise you a little perhaps you could answer the following:-


How did this country manage do business with the EU and the rest of the world prior to the existence of the EU.


You see the only time people have had a chance to vote on the subject in the 70's the EU was then called the "Common Market" and that is what they voted for, not what we have today and thanks to people like you who argue they live in a democracy we have been denied a vote ever since.



Where BNP councillors have been elected they have frequently failed to turn up to meetings, and one councillor did not even understand what the term "abstain" meant.


Do you have attendance records of all parties so we can make a valid judgement and have you considered that there's probably hundreds of Councillors who can't spell "abstain" let alone know what it means?



THe BNP want to "repatriate" or deport Theo Walcott, Lenny Henry, Meera Syall and many of our greatest British citizens who do not have white skins. This would include my best friend, my flat-mate, 3 of my work colleagues and lots of my mates. All of whom were born in this country and love this country because it it THEIR home!


If that was the case which it isn't at least the BNP put itself for the vote which is a dam sight more than the taxpayer funded organisations you get your nonesense from.


UK politics has a big problem. BNP are not the solution.


I'd love to see your solutions but let's be brutally honest here and state quite openly you haven't got a freaking clue. All you know is anti-BNP propoganda spoon fed to you by organisations set up for one purpose only and that is to abuse the BNP and nothing more.


I read the same sites as you and not once in all those years have I ever seen them offer any solutions to any "problem" that you openly admit there being.


If they can't do it what chance is there for you?

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