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BNP candidate for Brightside arrested for 'threats to kill Nick Griffin'

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Was he plotting to kill Griffin, or to drive Griffin to suidice?


Never kill people, yeah. Push them to the point of despair where they do it themselves because that's when you've really won. When you've broken them down to the final level and there's nothing worth living for and they do it themselves there's no blood on your hands then and you've just won.


-- Mark Collett

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I want to know how he was planning to pop Griffin off? I'll bet it was one of his heroes favourite methods, a cyanide capsule or the lugar at point blank range.


Griffin can be fatally wounded by a challenging question.

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Guest sibon
One problem with that bf, Collett's too thick to come up with one.


It's OK Stan... any old question will do.

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and not one apologist on the thread?


tbh its no surprise, maybe the severity of the threats are, but theres always been infighting and backstabbing in far right groups (including the BNP)theyre always splitting into new groups, in fact a while back there was talk of a new group splitting away from the BNP which i dont think happened?


i noticed in the link this bit too "“alleged financial irregularities and ‘scamming’” " so theyre not as lilly white as they make out after the mps expenses? theyve got their own financial stuff going on...........same with the MEP cash thats supposed to not being handled correctly


Let me be the first apologist then. :D


I am not convinced the allegation of trying to kill James Dowson or Nick Griffin against the loathsome Mark Collett are genuine. He is many things but unlike many of his comrades he does not strike me as the sort of person to do this. He was I understand detained for 3 days for questioning and has now been released until mid-May.


Was Emma Colgate only half involved? Was the otherwise moderate Eddie Butler really involved in this plot? It doesn't make sense.


I also don't think that getting the police involved to sort out leadership plots is Nick Griffin's style. Fabricated smears, yes. But geting the police involved? When Mark Collett was threatened by Tony Mac and Warren Bennett (video on YouTube) Griffin told Mark Collett not to go to the police.


I think the financial story is the root of this. The person with form for threats and using the police to settle scores is Dowson.


Like here:



The financial story would appear to be that Collett was worried about Dowson's scams and the money he is making out of the party. And for some reason Nick Griffin has fallen in with the Anti-Abortionist loyalist Dowson.


Some recent links about Dowson and BNP financial irregularities. They are currently being investigated by the EU and the Electoral Commission. Rumours have it that the 3 days Mark was detained he was being questioned by the fraud squad.... a rumour that wouldn't surprse me.










As for honesty with expenses:



This seems to me to be a very messy and stupid fight for control of the party and the income it is generating from the EU and the donations from the membership aka suckers.


I very much doubt this is the end of the story. Mark has nothing to lose any more and he can probably make a nice tidy sum selling his story and information to the newspapers.

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