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BNP candidate for Brightside arrested for 'threats to kill Nick Griffin'

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My irony detector just blew up. Shame on you.


Why would it be shame on me, its not me that's condeming anyone, I'm just pointing the sort of vitriol being spewed here againt an organisation that's accused of the same antics.


The goose and the gander come to mind.

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Being arested is not being convicted, and they didn't arrest the whole lot of them did they.


Prejudice is what you are full of my friend and its not prety.

and how many of the heirachy have convictions and arrests for violence? how many of their grass roots supporters have violent pasts, convictions and tendencies?

the whole parties shot right through with it, hidden behind a layer of family friendliness


this just shows people what they are really like

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Why would it be shame on me, its not me that's condeming anyone, I'm just pointing the sort of vitriol being spewed here againt an organisation that's accused of the same antics.


The goose and the gander come to mind.


you have no solid argument just lots of soundbites

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"Your argument makes no sense corruption and death threats are not moral equivalents"


My argument is that no one should be tarred and feathered just because someone they know or associate may or may not be guilty of ANY offence, it matters not one jot if is hands in the cookei jar or assasination.


What matters is that Nick Griffin will go to any lengths to discredit anyone that threatens the nest egg he is building up.


No charges have been brought against Mark Collett and any chance of a conviction, if there was anything to the allegations, have been scuppered now Nick Griffin has made a public statement and revealed more to the party faithful yesterday.


The tactics admittedly make little sense but they are the same ones James Dowson used against his employee, threaten them and fabricate a story that gets the police involved.



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Quite frankly I'm very dissapointed at the so called enlightend ones around here jumping on the band wagon to condem everyone conected with the BNP because one of its members (alegidly) made a threat to another.




This thread hasn't been general "bandwagon jumping". It's specifically about reports of Mark Collett making death threats.


There was an interlude of comparing the BNP leadership to scum. Given the number of their leadership, councillors and staff tried for assault, rape, paedophilia, wife beating, making threats, making bombs, possessing unlicensed weapons and exporting torture equipment... the comparison is true.



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Bloody hell. Mark Collett, BNP parliamentary candidate for the Brightside constituency, has been arrested after apparently threatening to kill the party's leader, Nick Griffin. What a train wreck this party is! Other politicians plot against each other and have big disagreements, but only the BNP would contemplate killing each other as a way of sorting it out. Griffin probably didn't take it as an idle threat either. One former long-serving member and convicted terrorist, Tony Lecomber, had to be kicked out of the party after he was implicated in a plot to kill a cabinet minister.

If this is what they do to each other, imagine what they'd do to you if they were in power and you disagreed with them too much!




A plot to kill a Cabinet Minister and SO19/Special Branch/Security Service and the DPP decide to let it go eh?


If searchliar told you that the Earth is flat you would probably believe that too.



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A plot to kill a Cabinet Minister and SO19/Special Branch/Security Service and the DPP decide to let it go eh?


If searchliar told you that the Earth is flat you would probably believe that too.




thing is they prolly know a damn sight more than you about the far right as theyve been watching them for a very long time

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A plot to kill a Cabinet Minister and SO19/Special Branch/Security Service and the DPP decide to let it go eh?


If searchliar told you that the Earth is flat you would probably believe that too.




No need for Searchlight to be involved. A leading UK Nazi told the Sunday Herald all about it:



It is a wonder that the police didn't take it more seriously, but the BNP did sack Lecomber for it.



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