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David Icke - what's your opinion of him?

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I know, I know,... there are several other threads still open discussing David Icke, but I thought id start my own having just watched a few of his videos on youtube, as i'm left wondering whether anyone else(besides me) has begun to take him more seriously at all.


I'm not saying I accept everything that he believes to be true, although I certainly would agree with him that there's more to our existence.. this thing we call life, than any of us are actually aware of.. definately!.


But what about his claims of "the hidden secret societies"(illuminati) that have had ultimate control over the worlds monetary system and politics for centuries?.. who's members he claims are all of the same bloodline, all hold positions of power, and are being controlled by reptilian type alien beings?... :confused:

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Who is he? Is he as smart as my dog?


Is he house-trained?


If I were to adopt him, do you think he would be a net contributor to my household wealth or would the cost of cleaning up after him be prohibitive?


(Please provide fully-costed estimates.)

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I am, perhaps, rather better informed.

But certainly none the wiser.


I do live in my own world - and I'm (usually) quite happy there.


My wife talks to me about 'Film stars' and I haven't a bloody clue.

(Paul Newman, Robert Redford, that gormless bugger in 'Ghost busters' [Rick More Anus?] and that's about it. The limit of my knowledge.)


I take immense delight in knowing bugger-all about things that aren't worth knowing about.


I have a mobile phone. An amazing device; I'm on my second already! (When I bought the first, I was accosted often by people who complained that it didn't work. It was a Nokia device (reputable company?) and I still don't understand their complaints. They said:


'There's something wrong with your bloody phone!- When I call you, it doesn't ring!'


Are they supposed to ring when people wish to annoy you? - Mine didn't, because it was turned off.


I was told: 'You are supposed to have it turned on!'


Nobody explained why and nobody volunteered to pay the bill.


I bought my cellular telephone in 1996 because I wanted it to use in the event of a puncture. (Motorcycles do not carry spare tyres.)


It wasn't turned on because it wasn't there to allow people to contact me - it was there to allow me to contact other people when I wanted to.


I'm now on my second cellular telephone. They are indeed interesting devices. Might even catch on one day.


(I assure you that I am not the same Rupert Baehr who wrote a paper analysing the feasibility of cellular telephone networks in 1981 ... ;))


Wonderful stuff, science.:hihi::hihi:


But what is an Icky?

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he is a fine, upstanding man who makes total sense about everything. all of it. including the reptile controller alien people being disguised as george dubya.


they're watching





In the case of dubbya he's almost believable. The rest of it is utter arse-gravy. :hihi:

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