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David Icke - what's your opinion of him?

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I prefer to listen to everything then simply disregard what doesn't appeal to me;)


But like I said, even if Icke was on the money about the illuminati, so what......after centuries of Illuminati rule you and I were still born and still live, still can't see any huge problem that will impact the individual too much.


Of course feel free to list all those things that you think the illuminati have directly impacted on your personal life Danot (Apart from the Poll tax, we've done that one)

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How can I be sure about anything that i'm told?.. how can anyone?


By using the stuff between your ears?




What if your friendly bank manager told and advised you to take out a business loan and after looking at the detail you were impressed..even to the point of getting a second opinion, then the manager finishes with...."Well Mr danot.the Lizard alien finance company will only be to happy to support you financially once you've made the 20k deposit.



People have been using arguments such as his for a long time...some of it interesting and some just picked up from others. The only difference is he thinks reptiles are in control. If you can totally ignore the reptile thing then maybe you're onto a winner. Icke is who he is because of the mixture of the two elements...remove one and he'd be a nobody.


The guy suffers from a different form of Tourette's. One minute he sounds normal and credible then the next he has you running for the trees.

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By using the stuff between your ears?




What if your friendly bank manager told and advised you to take out a business loan and after looking at the detail you were impressed..even to the point of getting a second opinion, then the manager finishes with...."Well Mr danot.the Lizard alien finance company will only be to happy to support you financially once you've made the 20k deposit.



People have been using arguments such as his for a long time...some of it interesting and some just picked up from others. The only difference is he thinks reptiles are in control. If you can totally ignore the reptile thing then maybe you're onto a winner. Icke is who he is because of the mixture of the two elements...remove one and he'd be a nobody.


The guy suffers from a different form of Tourette's. One minute he sounds normal and credible then the next he has you running for the trees.

I agree that the reptilian shapeshifters he's forever harping on bout sounds ridiculous, but no more so than ghost sightings, the occult, the bible, or stories of ancient civilizations being visited by fish like aliens that nurtured and educated them. It's no more ridiculous that two french anthropologists in the 1930s who were ridiculed after studying and living amongst a primitive african tribe, claiming that their subjects believed there were 12 planets in the solar system, that the tribe was aware of sirius B, invisible to the naked eye, which is orbited by another star, (sirius C), which was discovered in 1995.
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But like I said, even if Icke was on the money about the illuminati, so what......after centuries of Illuminati rule you and I were still born and still live, still can't see any huge problem that will impact the individual too much.


Of course feel free to list all those things that you think the illuminati have directly impacted on your personal life Danot (Apart from the Poll tax, we've done that one)


The introduction of controversial laws and taxes are not the issue, the issue is why they are introduced, which is what David Icke has immersed himself into for the last 20 years.

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The introduction of controversial laws and taxes are not the issue, the issue is why they are introduced, which is what David Icke has immersed himself into for the last 20 years.


And when Icke and his followers have finally discovered the purpose, what then and more importantly who cares.

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I think people like Noam Chomsky offer a far more sober and constructive critique of the current "system" for people interested in the big picture. At least he brings a more scientific and historical approach to the table.


I've just been listening to a radio show where Alex Jones was interviewing Chomsky. Perfectly reasoned discussion, but at the end Jones suddenly bursts out a tirade of abuse against Chomsky claiming he is a "new world order shill" and that he's only there to uphold the illusion of dissidence.


Interestingly, Jones also condemns Icke for being a shill (I think he refers to him as a CIA "Psyops"-like operative) on the grounds that Icke uses the reptilian stuff to tarnish any discussion surrounding the more reasoned issues he covers.


The problem is, by the same token, you could dismiss Jones on the grounds of him being part of the illusion of dissidence! This dynamic can continue indefinitely.


Conclusion? Take what you will from each talking head, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater and use your critical faculties to filter out what is clearly opinionated fantasy vs reasoned observation.

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Conclusion? Take what you will from each talking head, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater and use your critical faculties to filter out what is clearly opinionated fantasy vs reasoned observation.


True but in Icke's case when he is fantasy prone and categorically proven wrong (Saddam Hussein death pronouncement) it's hard to perceive anything he says as "reasoned observation" Icke's reasoned observation is observing humans change into lizards!

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Mind you, Chomsky is more fashion than substance and needs a slap with the new world reality fish. :)


Him being a fashion among trendy middle class students who feign leftist support has no bearing on the actual quality of material chomsky puts out.


The fact he will undoubtedly attract the support of "Fight the power!!!1!111!" sheep looking for their next source of anti-capitalist rhetoric does not invalidate the substance of his work.

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