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David Icke - what's your opinion of him?

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I know, I know,... there are several other threads still open discussing David Icke, but I thought id start my own having just watched a few of his videos on youtube, as i'm left wondering whether anyone else(besides me) has begun to take him more seriously at all.


I'm not saying I accept everything that he believes to be true, although I certainly would agree with him that there's more to our existence.. this thing we call life, than any of us are actually aware of.. definately!.


But what about his claims of "the hidden secret societies"(illuminati) that have had ultimate control over the worlds monetary system and politics for centuries?.. who's members he claims are all of the same bloodline, all hold positions of power, and are being controlled by reptilian type alien beings?... :confused:



No..you're not alone. There's thousands out there sitting at their computer all day long with nothing better to do with their empty lives...hence the support he gets.


Well done, you'll get a DI badge in the post soon.

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No..you're not alone. There's thousands out there sitting at their computer all day long with nothing better to do with their empty lives...hence the support he gets.


Well done, you'll get a DI badge in the post soon.


David Icke fills places like the Brixton Academy and the O2 for his marathon 8 hour talks.

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Icke is a man who has clearly suffered some kind of nervous or mental breakdown. There is some evidence to suggest that it might be the result of his use of natural remedy given to him by a "healer" which has sent people around the twist. Chiefly because it is basically some kind of powerful hallucinating substance which messes the mind up.


The same remedy from the same healer was given to David Shayler the MI5 whisleblower. Subsequent to shayler's healing he, also claimed he was the Messiah and "son of god", is now living as a woman in a squat with some anarchists.

Pictures of "delores"


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David Icke? hmmmm! You think ... good point, fair point, well constructed argument, good point - ALIEN REPTILES arggghhhhh, MADNESS - good point ... , :D


Thanks ruby, your post has cheered me up no end.

My introduction to Icke was a youtube vid on a gig he did on the police state and big brother, all his points were good and valid, even enjoyed it, there was no mention of aliens or lizard folk.

So I went on the hunt for some of his other works, to which I sat for what seemed like an eternity listening to him talk to some head tribesman about some ancient race of lizard folk, the Chitauli.

Then I went on the hunt for Chitauli in other cultures and found that pretty much every culture had their own historical version, this introduced me to Zecharia Stitchin and the Nibiru/Annunaki story.

Which then led onto just about every other conspiracy theory on the planet and although I enjoyed the ride, I found it all to be as interesting as say J.R.R Tolkein's work or books on greek mythology.


I'm now waiting for Icke to start his own religion.

I predict he's going to wage a billion year war against the Illuminati and fund it by selling books on how to get your pie and eat it, or "Pie'n'etits" for short.

"etits" being what most of his followers are viewing in the next tab.

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