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David Icke - what's your opinion of him?

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The Establishments `wool over the eyes bit` is an old tactic that has been used by western governments for a long time.


As an example, Whats the first thing anyone thinks when they hear someone mention seeing a UFO...?


Ok on SF they instantly say `Chinese lantern` but I mean in the main...? The first thing they think is `Loony` and I reckon a lot of thats all down to manipulation by governments. Watch any tv show and all UFO "Nuts" are portrayed as a little odd to say the least.


In much the same way that anybody who dares to question the official account of something is discredited by being labelled a Conspiracy Theorist.


Ruby hit the nail on the head. DI makes a lot of very valid points on a lot of subjects. There is a video of his I watched about education and how we are forced by law to make our children attend schools where they are effectively indoctrinated into viewing society in a particular way and taught how to be good sheep who will go out to work to earn taxes for the government. He is a very good speaker and makes a compelling argument.


Just a thought though, does anybody here actually have proof that the alien-lizard thing is just a figment of his imagination?????


Thought not.

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Icke is a man who has clearly suffered some kind of nervous or mental breakdown. There is some evidence to suggest that it might be the result of his use of natural remedy given to him by a "healer" which has sent people around the twist. Chiefly because it is basically some kind of powerful hallucinating substance which messes the mind up.


The same remedy from the same healer was given to David Shayler the MI5 whisleblower. Subsequent to shayler's healing he, also claimed he was the Messiah and "son of god", is now living as a woman in a squat with some anarchists.

Pictures of "delores"



I absolutely agree that he has had some kind of psychotic episode. I'm very interested in your idea that it might be linked to use of a 'remedy' and that Shayler (clearly also quite barking) might have been sent off the deep end by the same means. Can you provide a link to any further information on this please?

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Just a thought though, does anybody here actually have proof that the alien-lizard thing is just a figment of his imagination?????


Thought not.


Well you can't disprove that in the same way you can't disprove the existence of god or a flying teapot in space.


I think there's enough historical evidence of human beings instigating systems of control over others to assume that the ruling elite are indeed most likely red blooded.


From his own admission, Icke is basing his claims on people he has had confide in him over the years about confrontations with shape shifting reptilians. This is obviously not enough to draw absolute conclusions, but it has clearly reinforced his own views.


I liken it to many of these prominant academics (although Icke isn't an academic) who contribute very important work to their fields, yet still have their personal views about god, for example. Icke unfortunately chooses to conflate much of his work with his personal views. As soon as you do that, any credibility you may have otherwise had is out the window.

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I'm not going to dismiss everything he says, since he actually makes some valid points. Surely people are capable of separating fantasy (i.e. his reptilian theory) from what are legitimate observations about the nature of society and mass-psychology, which he actually touches upon very well IMO.


I especially thought his piece on repeaters in the media was excellent, and reminds me of the work surrounding the propaganda model. But you know, he's the "lizard guy" so I should probably throw that baby out with the bathwater.


He may well have valid and interesting observations about society and mass psychology, but as others have suggested the competely mad as a snake stuff makes one disinclined to listen to them.


Icke on being questioned about a menage a trois he was having - ''"if you resonate on this higher level then you see not two ladies, but two bodies with energy patterns."


Yeah, right David.

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The Establishments `wool over the eyes bit` is an old tactic that has been used by western governments for a long time.


As an example, Whats the first thing anyone thinks when they hear someone mention seeing a UFO...?


Ok on SF they instantly say `Chinese lantern` but I mean in the main...? The first thing they think is `Loony` and I reckon a lot of thats all down to manipulation by governments. Watch any tv show and all UFO "Nuts" are portrayed as a little odd to say the least.

Yep!.. the powers that be must be more than confident that left to their our own devices, we will more often than not undermine any credible evidence supporting UFO sightings or theories due to our conditioning.
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He may well have valid and interesting observations about society and mass psychology, but as others have suggested the competely mad as a snake stuff makes one disinclined to listen to them.


Icke on being questioned about a menage a trois he was having - ''"if you resonate on this higher level then you see not two ladies, but two bodies with energy patterns."


Yeah, right David.


I find you have to filter through BS with most people. Some less so than others.


Most of Icke's observations are purely conceptual and in the realm of philosophy. For example, his analogy of society being like a compartmentalised pyramid (which I don't think is exclusively his analogy, but anyway...) to describe the inability of people to see beyond their own little bubble of perception is very pertinent. Especially when we have people ready to stroll merrily down to the polling station to vote Tory for "change".


Take what you will. As I said, if your critical faculties are sharp, you shouldn't have problem filtering out what is fantasy and what is legitimate observation.

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