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Why pubs are closing

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They may have been in the 'bottom end' of the market but were thriving concerns until that mad woman was elected.

Haven't you just contradicted yourself anyway, if you've just said that the Hare and Hounds is closing?


You take me a bit literally.:hihi:

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' Beer ' says that I 'm ' out of touch ' with modern Britain, as I 'm now living abroad. Why, have lots of the old-style pubs now re-opened ? Great ! Do kids now meet each other more than they used to do and no longer sit glued to ' t' telly ' or computers ? Yippee ! Do young people now sit round having [ sensible ? ] conversations and no longer shuffle round blank-eyed listening to ear-splitting rap......etc.....? Wonderful !

I can see John Bull is getting back in shape again. I must rush back and check it out ! I guess all the reports on the internet, newspapers, Sheffield Forum....etc....are wrong and I was sadly mis-led.

Maybe ' Beer ' can tell us the TRUTH about pubs closing ......or not......and why ? [ Incidentally, ' Beer ' it IS possible these days, and fairly easy, to keep in touch with what 's happening in the U.K.----you know-----e.mail, newspapers, letters, telephones ; not the same as acually being there, granted, but from what most people are saying these days about life in old Britannia, that seems more of a Blessing than a Curse ! ]

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' Beer ' says that I 'm ' out of touch ' with modern Britain, as I 'm now living abroad. Why, have lots of the old-style pubs now re-opened ? Great ! Do kids now meet each other more than they used to do and no longer sit glued to ' t' telly ' or computers ? Yippee ! Do young people now sit round having [ sensible ? ] conversations and no longer shuffle round blank-eyed listening to ear-splitting rap......etc.....? Wonderful !

I can see John Bull is getting back in shape again. I must rush back and check it out ! I guess all the reports on the internet, newspapers, Sheffield Forum....etc....are wrong and I was sadly mis-led.

Maybe ' Beer ' can tell us the TRUTH about pubs closing ......or not......and why ? [ Incidentally, ' Beer ' it IS possible these days, and fairly easy, to keep in touch with what 's happening in the U.K.----you know-----e.mail, newspapers, letters, telephones ; not the same as acually being there, granted, but from what most people are saying these days about life in old Britannia, that seems more of a Blessing than a Curse ! ]


Like I said, you are out of touch.


Still I hope your friends keep you fully up to speed with such things. Such things crop up all the time in email I get from around the world. I am so well informed I probably know more about going out where you live than you do.:loopy::loopy: Perhaps in another of your fantasies they will email you a pint.




The Kelham Island Tavern that had been closed years ago by the Pubco because it wasn't viable but later re-opened as a free house has won the "champion pub of Britain" award for the second year running. The only pub ever to achieve this.


The pub is just round the corner from the Fact cat which became a free house after the brewery closed it and is also close to the Milestone a refurbished pub that closed in the 1960 and re-opened after 40 years.


Other similar pubs in the area are the Wellington, the Hillsborough Hotel, and the Riverside all of which became thriving free houses once they had broken free of the brewery/pubco millstone around their necks.


I am sure you English friends had informed you of all this.

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I 've got a feeling, Beer, we 're talking a bit at cross-purposes here. No-one is more pleased than me, to see good pubs open and re-open, to sell good beer.....etc....

However, the topic is more general than that I think. At one time, there were small, thriving pubs, selling good beer on every street corner, in some districts. A lot of communities used the local pub [ s ] as a focal point. As discussed, previously, pubs served many purposes. I do know a bit about that scene, as I spent most of my leisure time in Sheffield pubs, from about 1958 until 1980-----and have visited Sheffield a few times since.

I 've no doubt that the ones you mention are great places and all power to their elbow [ ! ] but the pub scene now, in general, is a far cry from what it was------and is, I 'm sure a reflection of life in modern Britain.

I 'm not the only one saying this. A load of Sheffield Forum-mers, who, just like you, actually live in the place, have been saying the same thing for ages now. Are they wrong and ' out of touch ' too ?

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The Thee Cranes in town sells Tim Taylors Landlord at over £3 a pint. Total and complete ripoff and its no wonder the pub is closed most evenings. The landlord said he has to charge that price because of the pubco that owns it.


A cynic might suggest that the pubco is deliberately using price increases to run down the custom of the pub so that it is no longer viable and the pubco can be justified in selling a nice bit of prime real estate.


Since moving to London I haven't seen a pint for less than £3, and a single G&T at all my locals will set you back the grand sum of £4.75. Funnily enough, I now drink an awful lot less (Unless I'm out with inebriated friends that keep forgetting whose round it is!).

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Regarding the Wetherspoons debate about atmosphere etc, I have visited a fair few of these pubs in different cities over a fair few years. I recall having breakfast in one in Wallasey (just over the Mersey from Scouseland) around 11am ish and the majority of their rough looking customers had just finished their business at the nearby JobCentre where I was doing some contract IT work. On the other hand, I spent a couple of years working in central London and there was nothing better than calling into a packed 'Moon on the Mall' in Whitehall (contradiction I know but it was actually on Whitehall) after work for a couple of pints. Very nice pub with lots of atmosphere, oh and plenty of civil servants which maybe why it was packed if you get my drift!

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