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Wikileaks obtains a copy of Iraqi Journalists being murdered by US forces.

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I'm sure their relish was the seven virgins awaiting them in heaven.
You are sure? How exactly racist man? You haven't the ability to know any different to what you have been fed by the Yanks media, so how are you sure?


Stupid morons
Indeed, describes Harleman well


brainwashed by evil morons
The American Anti Islam media are indeed evil, thanks for admitting reality, well done you.:D Knowing it and still be taken in by it, you must be simple indeed............Yes Sir!!!!:hihi:
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The trouble with that statement is that if they are in the back of the van they are invisible to a pilot in a helicopter,indeed to anybody bar Superman and his Xray vision, its not rocket science is it.....now who are the fools ?


why fire then if you don't know

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why fire then if you don't know

We are going round in circles here ..the last thing that any one would expect is a van racing onto the scene with kids in the back,Im sure it crossed the pilots mind,"Oops hold on theres a van there it must have kids in the back".At least think about what your posting.Picture a transit in one of the gangster movies ,it screeches up at the side of a bank in the process of a blag ,the door opens and the sound of music kids come dancing out singing,you wouldnt expect that either would you

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We are going round in circles here ..the last thing that any one would expect is a van racing onto the scene with kids in the back,Im sure it crossed the pilots mind,"Oops hold on theres a van there it must have kids in the back".At least think about what your posting.Picture a transit in one of the gangster movies ,it screeches up at the side of a bank in the process of a blag ,the door opens and the sound of music kids come dancing out singing,you wouldnt expect that either would you


but i wouldn't fire if i wasn't sure quite simple really.

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Self righteous twerp. Who are you to judge what I am? Mind yer own business.


I suggest a dose of Mylox if my views on terrorists and their apologists sicken your delicate little tummy :hihi:


I haven't judged what you are, I merely stated the blatantly obvious.

Why people still persist in using Sadam's actions as a valid excuse to revel over the slaughter of thousands of innocent people is nothing short of madness.


I guess it's also Bin Laden's fault that the Afghans are being slaughtered?

When the reality is that we happen to have war mongers in charge of the countries that claim to be righteous.

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The thread is about the attack by the US helicopter on some Iraqis...


Anyway, what you seem to be trying to do is justify this attack by saying "they do it to" - and aside from the fact that as i said iraq has nothing to do with 11/9, "they do bad things so that justifies us doing bad things" only works in the warped mindset that also led to "in order to preserve our freedoms, we need to remove your freedoms".


So, lets follow your line of reasoning - you accept in the last line of the quoted post that this attack by the helicopter was the murder of innocent civilians, which is the same as the murder of innocent civilians in 11/9. You realise of course that by condoning one set of murders that you yourself have compared to 11/9, which you call a terrorist attack, you are condoning terrorism by your government.



This is not terrorism, this is an ongoing operation in a part of the world where terrorism has been spawned. Just as Hitler brought on the death of millions of his countrymen by his actions, these terrorists have been the cause of the situations in Iraq and Afganistan.

Dont ask me that same old question "What had Iraq to do with 9/11" but anyway I'll once again repeat parrot fashion what I already said in another post.

Saddam it is now apparent had no MWD but his expulsion of UN inspectors and his refusal to let them back into Iraq strongly suggested that he did have

something to hide. It was logical to assume therefore that some of the MWDs might be sold to terrorists in Afganistan. Why Saddam chose to refuse UN inspections is a bit of a mystery. National pride? Machoism? Who knows but anyway his decision led to his downfall and the events that have taken place in Iraq since then.

An ongoing operation in this part of the world is necessary for two reasons, firstly with the aim of destroying as much as possible the ability of terrorists to take root again in Afgahnistan and secondly to keep them off their guard. Keeping them off guard means that they dont have time to sit down and plan more attacks against the West There will continue to be innocents killed, soldiers blown up but that's an ugly fact of war, always was, always will be.

The innocents in Afganistan and Iraq are paying for the foolishness of Saddam and the failure of the Taliban in Afganistan to hand over Bin Laden and his cohorts after 9/11

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This is not terrorism, this is an ongoing operation in a part of the world where terrorism has been spawned. Just as Hitler brought on the death of millions of his countrymen by his actions, these terrorists have been the cause of the situations in Iraq and Afganistan.

Dont ask me that same old question "What had Iraq to do with 9/11" but anyway I'll once again repeat parrot fashion what I already said in another post.

Saddam it is now apparent had no MWD but his expulsion of UN inspectors and his refusal to let them back into Iraq strongly suggested that he did have

something to hide. It was logical to assume therefore that some of the MWDs might be sold to terrorists in Afganistan. Why Saddam chose to refuse UN inspections is a bit of a mystery. National pride? Machoism? Who knows but anyway his decision led to his downfall and the events that have taken place in Iraq since then.

An ongoing operation in this part of the world is necessary for two reasons, firstly with the aim of destroying as much as possible the ability of terrorists to take root again in Afgahnistan and secondly to keep them off their guard. Keeping them off guard means that they dont have time to sit down and plan more attacks against the West There will continue to be innocents killed, soldiers blown up but that's an ugly fact of war, always was, always will be.

The innocents in Afganistan and Iraq are paying for the foolishness of Saddam and the failure of the Taliban in Afganistan to hand over Bin Laden and his cohorts after 9/11


Incorrect the innocent are dying because foolish people like bush and blair not forgetting the corporations who continue to make vast sums of dollars from the misery of the natives.


what have we achieved in Iraq ?

what have we achieved in Afghanistan ?


for the people that is.

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Incorrect the innocent are dying because foolish people like bush and blair not forgetting the corporations who continue to make vast sums of dollars from the misery of the natives.


what have we achieved in Iraq ?

what have we achieved in Afghanistan ?


for the people that is.


You believe in instant results, wave the magic wand and everything just comes out hunky dorr?. Iraq was under Saddam since around 1958 and Afgahnistan had never been more that a wild mountainous land populated by different tribes who when not fighting outsiders generally paased their time fighting each other. Miracles dont happen overnight and Rome wasn't built in a day. What the issue here is dragging a country out of the medieval days into the 21 st century and ridding it of the spawn who want to keep it back in the middle ages

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