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Wikileaks obtains a copy of Iraqi Journalists being murdered by US forces.

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Too bad some of these civilians you mention havent done time in the real world of war but of course they wouldn't choose to do that. Might get their hands a bit mucky sorting out the crap that their fellow civilians have sent them into


you sound like rambo :hihi:

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I have not watched the video of the event but one point stands out to me from reading the posts.

How do we know these civilians were innocent. There may have been intelligence that they had been involved in previous attacks on the army or planting explosive devices. Were they planning to attack soldiers or plant devices, were they carrying concealed weapons?

Why are civilians allowed to carry weapons?

None of us know the full details.

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We are going round in circles here ..the last thing that any one would expect is a van racing onto the scene with kids in the back,Im sure it crossed the pilots mind,"Oops hold on theres a van there it must have kids in the back".At least think about what your posting.Picture a transit in one of the gangster movies ,it screeches up at the side of a bank in the process of a blag ,the door opens and the sound of music kids come dancing out singing,you wouldnt expect that either would you


Noddy, Baghdad is still a big city with adult residents and kids a like.


Imagine the scene they the van's occupants are going about their daily business in Bagdad, maybe on a school run who knows, they see and hear the badly injured photographer, as good sumaritans they rush to get this guy medical help, bearing in mind that this guy was a photographer they probably thought that there would be little danger of then being fired upon since neither van driver or injured photographer were armed.


As for Rules of engagement, it's obvious that the pilots stretched them somewhat, i.e they state themselves they could only fire if the dying man picked up a weapon.

So if the photographer did get his hands on a pistol which had zero chance of hitting or being a threat to the helicopter they would still have opened fire.

Essentially they were looking for an excuse to fire rather than firing because or any REAL threat to themselves.

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I have not watched the video of the event but one point stands out to me from reading the posts.

How do we know these civilians were innocent. There may have been intelligence that they had been involved in previous attacks on the army or planting explosive devices. Were they planning to attack soldiers or plant devices, were they carrying concealed weapons?

Why are civilians allowed to carry weapons?

None of us know the full details.


2 of the people were photographers from Reuters.


To protect themselves from other groups in Baghdad, despite it being 7 years since the US/UK invasion Baghdad remains a violent dangerous city......Sheffield it ain't!!

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This is not terrorism, this is an ongoing operation in a part of the world where terrorism has been spawned. Just as Hitler brought on the death of millions of his countrymen by his actions, these terrorists have been the cause of the situations in Iraq and Afganistan.

Dont ask me that same old question "What had Iraq to do with 9/11" but anyway I'll once again repeat parrot fashion what I already said in another post.

Saddam it is now apparent had no MWD but his expulsion of UN inspectors and his refusal to let them back into Iraq strongly suggested that he did have

something to hide. It was logical to assume therefore that some of the MWDs might be sold to terrorists in Afganistan. Why Saddam chose to refuse UN inspections is a bit of a mystery. National pride? Machoism? Who knows but anyway his decision led to his downfall and the events that have taken place in Iraq since then.

An ongoing operation in this part of the world is necessary for two reasons, firstly with the aim of destroying as much as possible the ability of terrorists to take root again in Afgahnistan and secondly to keep them off their guard. Keeping them off guard means that they dont have time to sit down and plan more attacks against the West There will continue to be innocents killed, soldiers blown up but that's an ugly fact of war, always was, always will be.

The innocents in Afganistan and Iraq are paying for the foolishness of Saddam and the failure of the Taliban in Afganistan to hand over Bin Laden and his cohorts after 9/11


It was actually the sexed up intelligence reports by the agencys in Britain and America which were used to justify going to war. Saddam had to refuse entry to the UN Inspectors because if other countries like Iran found out he didn't have any weapons then it would have lead to wars with his old enemys etc etc. and the Americans knew this and had made plans for an invasion months beforehand

People say this war is to beat terrorists and all that but personally I believe it is creating more terrorists. Some of the people who's inoccent familly members have been killed are going to turn to terrorism and the little orphaned kids are going to be the terrorists of tommorrow.

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This thread has proven who the real terrorists are despite the pretense of civility. To commit murder and then make excuses to find high moral ground is shameful of the Yak apologists. Not all Americans are the same of course but this case shows how murder is being justified by lame excuses. The Americans bang on about freedoms, but there is no freedom even for the Americans to kill innocent civilians and not to be asked questions of it.

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2 of the people were photographers from Reuters.


To protect themselves from other groups in Baghdad, despite it being 7 years since the US/UK invasion Baghdad remains a violent dangerous city......Sheffield it ain't!!


As you say we have been there a long time now and surely removing weapons from civilians would help reduce the violence. We are supposed to be bringing peace to the area and providing a policing role.

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This thread has proven who the real terrorists are despite the pretense of civility. To commit murder and then make excuses to find high moral ground is shameful of the Yak apologists. Not all Americans are the same of course but this case shows how murder is being justified by lame excuses. The Americans bang on about freedoms, but there is no freedom even for the Americans to kill innocent civilians and not to be asked questions of it.

Quite right, questions should be asked on all sides and then conclusions drawn.

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As you say we have been there a long time now and surely removing weapons from civilians would help reduce the violence. We are supposed to be bringing peace to the area and providing a policing role.


But how would you do that, especially as guns and weapons are rife in Baghdad, again it ain't Sheffield.

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