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Wikileaks obtains a copy of Iraqi Journalists being murdered by US forces.

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No, we aren't experienced wartime helicopter pilots.


If we were, then our training would have led us to not make such a decision - they are not fit to be in that position and/or their training was not adequate if the choice they make is wrong, that is what their training is supposed to prevent.


And "mistakes happen" is a nonsensical argument when you are talking about peoples lives.


Can i just check - are you an experienced helicopter pilot, or are you commenting from exactly the same position as us, then going on to berate people for commenting without being a helicopter pilot?

No Im not a pilot ,thats why I choose to err on the side of people who are,namely the people who were there.It seems as though the majority on here seem to hold the Americans responsible for everything and have more or less cast them as a dangerous enemy to them.Personally,and Im sure you will correct me if I err,I didnt see any media proof that it was a suad of G.I s that flew the planes into the towers and I didnt see any proof that a rogue squad of said G.I s rode the buses in my capital and got off leaving high explosives behind and I dont think it was a navy seal that tried to drive a loaded car into a scottish airport, now just who were the enemies on these occasions a one word answer will suffice

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Not a tragic mistake. These US troops were in a helicopter under no obvious threat from people hanging round a street corner. They had pleasnyt of time and were not under fire. No wepaons in sight and yet they continue to "imagine" a threat and end up killing completely innocent humans. then the cover up...lying and lying until they are forced to admit what happened. This is cold blooded murder and these people shoujld be brought to justice. They are unfit to be in combat.


Watch the video again. Watch it in full screen.



Look at the guy at the top of the screen next to the bloke with the striped top at 1:15 to 1:25 in the video.


What is he holding?

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Watch the video again. Watch it in full screen.



Look at the guy at the top of the screen next to the bloke with the striped top at 1:15 to 1:25 in the video.


What is he holding?


A tripod for the camera the (employed by Reuters) photographer is carrying?

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Watch the video again. Watch it in full screen.



Look at the guy at the top of the screen next to the bloke with the striped top at 1:15 to 1:25 in the video.


What is he holding?


Probably a gun, gun ownership is extremely common in Iraq, before and after the fall of Saddam. The question still remains, where they a threat to the helicopter?

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No, you are right, but by the same token i did not see any children who were not yet born attack the twin towers - what crime against us did they commit? Or indeed any of the people killed in this attack - could you please provide evidence that they were the ones responsible for the attacks you listed.


(ps, the one word you are looking for is "terrorists", not Muslims, or Iraqis, or Afghans.)

Indeed and what was the common denominator that connected your terrorists

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Probably a gun, gun ownership is extremely common in Iraq, before and after the fall of Saddam. The question still remains, where they a threat to the helicopter?

Bad man hold gun,bad man fire gun at helicopter,gun shoot nasty bullet,nasty bullet have lucky hit on helicopter pilot,helicopter crash,poor men in helicopter dead..better be safe than sorry

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there you go 1 says a tripod 1 says a gun and they will have studied the pictures for a while before commenting ,the helicopter pilot didnt have that luxury and his and others lives could have been at risk


So the Americans in Iraq should be allowed to kill anyone that they see fit, without having to provide any sort of justification? I thought that we were meant to be the good guys? There has to be some sort of accountability.

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So the Americans in Iraq should be allowed to kill anyone that they see fit, without having to provide any sort of justification? I thought that we were meant to be the good guys? There has to be some sort of accountability.

So what do they do ,back off and if it were a gun sit there and let them have a free shot ..grow up..the only justification for them is at the end of their time in the god forsaken hole they arrive home safe and well and heroes to the free world

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