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Wikileaks obtains a copy of Iraqi Journalists being murdered by US forces.

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Indeed an Oxbridge proff would have more brains than a dumbaas American trigger happy soldier boy, so yes you are right anybody with brains would have to be anti American, in this case at any rate. It's the ability to think you see, but at your age Harly you seem to be reduced somewhat in that sector lately.


Ah yes the ingrained prejudice comes to the fore. That's not brainy either tab1

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The IBC findings were just saying "because the US and Britain went to war against Iraq all these deaths happened" or that's what they should have said but I tend to distrust anything carried out by "Oxford Institutions" of any sort. Oxford has long been known as a mecca for people of biased opinions, marxists, communists, radicals and of course anti-Americanism.

Mention anything about America to an Oxford professor and he or she is very likely to fall on the ground foaming at the mouth.


Even if you only hold the US/Coalition responsible for the deaths that can be linked to the activity of its own forces it is still perfectly reasonable (based on different reports) to estimate that into thousands.


As for being anti-American I personally am pro-American enough to believe the US Congress should not have been deceived by the Reagan administration over the level of support it was giving to Saddam Hussein and its circumvention of the US Arms Export Control Act to supply him with military hardware (but that is a little off topic).

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I'd like to see some of you fireside warriors and experts on military machines sitting in a chopper. You'd act just like the rest of the poor sods who have to be in them, worried about your own backsides first and foremost. A single round can bring down a chopper if it hits a vital place. Split second identification of ground movement wrong or right can mean the difference between you going down to instant death or the man on the ground with the gun getting it first.

Dont give me the "shoulda done this, shoulda done that" rubbish. You've never been in the situation where your lives hang on a thread

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Even if you only hold the US/Coalition responsible for the deaths that can be linked to the activity of its own forces it is still perfectly reasonable (based on different reports) to estimate that into thousands.


As for being anti-American I personally am pro-American enough to believe the US Congress should not have been deceived by the Reagan administration over the level of support it was giving to Saddam Hussein and its circumvention of the US Arms Export Control Act to supply him with military hardware (but that is a little off topic).


My own opinion about Saddam was that he was a buffer against Iran and should have been left in charge of Iraq. . After the first Gulf war he wasn't much of a threat to anybody except his own people.

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Just watched video, and I can see why the pilot suddenly gets a bit jittery. At one point, prior to opening fire, there is a man, croutched behind the wall, leaning out and pointing something at the helicopter. Now i ain't been in the forces but know people who have, and when it comes to warzones, if you think your ass is going to be grass, you shoot first and ask questions later. Eithier way, pointing something at a heavily armed helicopter and openly displaying weapons is sure way of tempting fate if you ask me.

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Just watched video, and I can see why the pilot suddenly gets a bit jittery. At one point, prior to opening fire, there is a man, croutched behind the wall, leaning out and pointing something at the helicopter. Now i ain't been in the forces but know people who have, and when it comes to warzones, if you think your ass is going to be grass, you shoot first and ask questions later. Eithier way, pointing something at a heavily armed helicopter and openly displaying weapons is sure way of tempting fate if you ask me.


Just like a man pointing a gun at a cop. Does he intend to shoot or doesn't he? Better assume that he does or the missus will soon be drawing a widow's pension

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I am not going to get into an argument about the initial shootings as it has been covered umpteen times before. However, the thing that got me was when the van pulled up to recover the bodies and help the injured. I don't care what anyone says, but they were no threat to the helicopter crews and/or soldiers on the ground. They shot up unarmed civilians and to me, they should be strung up for it.

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I am not going to get into an argument about the initial shootings as it has been covered umpteen times before. However, the thing that got me was when the van pulled up to recover the bodies and help the injured. I don't care what anyone says, but they were no threat to the helicopter crews and/or soldiers on the ground. They shot up unarmed civilians and to me, they should be strung up for it.
You can't demand they be strung up, the poor boys need councelling for having seen the terribly threatening sight of a man with a camera lense that they took to be an RPG, just imagine the nightmares they must be suffering thinking about how that could have been a real RPG. Just as well they dealt with the situation the only way they have been taught to, kill any civilian they deem a threat and let people like our Harley make excuses for their stupidity.


Oh you haven't been in a Chaaaper so you have no right to say they did wrong. Getting into a chaaper apparently involves a section of the brain being removed rendering the moron occupants of a chaaper incapable of making rational decisions and presume everything a threat. The drugs induced highs go a long way towards helping that situation but that is another topic.

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Just like a man pointing a gun at a cop. Does he intend to shoot or doesn't he? Better assume that he does or the missus will soon be drawing a widow's pension
Hmmm interesting legal defence, save your wife from drawing a widows pension till someone bigger comes along to take your wife off you.:hihi:


Have you ever been involved in a fight with a bloke who looked at you a bit funny?:huh: Been in the army by any chance Harlyman?:D

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