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Who the heck do I vote for? Or Shall I not bother?

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Listening to the commons, they all sound like baying school kids ..


I'm really not sure I want to vote .. but of course, that'll have all the women going .. "ooh women died for the vote .. and on and on" .. and the other lot who say .. "well don't moan if you don't like what the voted in party does in the future as YOU, your vote, could have changed all this, so you don't have a say!"


I have absolutely no idea ... they are all bloody idiots that can't possibly deliver all they say they will -




Vote in any way that will keep the Tories out. They will destroy public services, cut wages and give the savings as tax cuts to the rich.

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Just think on voting day. Do you really want to give Gordon Brown another 5 years in office. Even if you previously voted Labour, do you support Gordon Brown, or would Labour fair better in the 2015 election with a new leader?


Don’t think about who you want to vote for, think about who you don’t want to vote for and then just weigh up the other parties on merit and how well they will run the country.


Lastly ignore what most people here will tell you to do. Especially those who use negative messages to sway your opinion. If you want to believe anyone, believe those who backup their arguments with facts and links to reputable sources.

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Vote in any way that will keep the Tories out. They will destroy public services, cut wages and give the savings as tax cuts to the rich.


Just think on voting day. Do you really want to give Gordon Brown another 5 years in office. Even if you previously voted Labour, do you support Gordon Brown, or would Labour fair better in the 2015 election with a new leader?


I can't wait till the election's over so I hear less of this sort of thing to be quite fair. Each time I open the "general discussions" section, there are more and more threads about how the tories will steal your kittens, or labour will make your dog pay 350% tax, or the libs will set fire to disadvantaged children for a laugh.


End of the day the fact is that you'll have to work, you'll get taxed, there'll always be things about society you don't like, chavs will continue, and sadly there's no aliens coming to rescue us.


It'd take me 10 minutes to walk to the polling station, and I'd rather spend those 10 minutes watching tv or having a nice time with my family. I don't care how many people died so I could vote. Not one bit. Nor do I buy the argument that I can't complain if I don't vote. Of course I can. I open my mouth and complain. Simple. It gets the same result if I vote or not.


Politics is dull.

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For the last 13 years I have felt that Labour have tried to dominate me. However the Conservatives now say that want to listen to me, and the Liberal Democrats appear to want to look after me.


The wife and I have got to where we are without any help from the above. Which ever party gets in will fail to put police officers on our streets, will continue to pamper to minorities, keep on invading whatever country the USA orders them to and keep on sticking their noses in our business.


I feel a UKIP vote coming on.

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The problem is that only 2 parties are electable and are indistinguishable from each other. For example, if you want British troops out of their illegal occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, you have no choice as both Brown and Cameron have said they'll keep them there as long as they like.


Whoever we vote for the government will get in.

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Fantastic that Lib Dems pledge to increase the threshold that we pay tax from up to 10k. This will mean that many will not pay tax at all!


I saw that and thought "Waaayheey"


Then I remembered that pre-election promises are very rarely followed through and as the Lib Dems are unlikely to be in a position to make good on their promises it actually means very little.

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The Electoral Reform Society:


“A hearty congratulations to all our new MPs for a hard fought campaign. Having won the backing of their party members, they can now pack their bags for Westminster.


“These winners will take their seats in Britain’s Safe Parliament. Voters will never be able to boot these MPs out under our present system. Most will leave office on conditions of their own choosing after careers measuring into decades. They are likely to include our future Prime Ministers, our future leaders of the opposition, and all the great office holders of state. They form a class of MPs that are, quite simply, elected for life.


“2010 offers a tale of two elections – and two electorates. One that matters, and one that doesn’t. And for over 25 Million of us, who just happen to live in safe seats, this contest is already over.


“The Expenses crisis awakened people to the inability of ordinary voters to hold these people to account. And for any naive enough to think the crisis might trigger a political earthquake, remember these seats are earthquake-proof thanks to our antique voting system.

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