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Advertising the morning after pill in the metro?

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contraception meaning condoms, femidoms, pill, implant, patches, coil im sure there are very probably more. I know alot of people who know about emergency contraception and alot will be ignorant to the choices they have in everyday contraception.


The morning after pill is an abortion pill.


No, emergency contraception is not an abortion pill, although that myth is often asserted by religious groups, although to be fair if you were adhering to their guidance you shouldn't be using any contraception.


Its interesting that you are happy for the IUD to be promoted, when one of its uses is identical to that of an emergency contraception pill, in that it can be inserted following unprotected intercourse to prevent impantation of a fertilised egg. How do you perceive that the two are different? You appear to imply that one is somehow morally more acceptable than the other

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The information I read about the coil when i was looking into contraception was that it was not put in as emergency contraception but infact used to prevent the need for it. If all of the clinic's information voids that snippet then I apologise but I didn't know it could be used.


The information I have read about the morning after pill was that it was an abortion pill, each headline says ( - abortion pill) after the name.


I'm happy for anything to be promoted without getting to the stage these girls are rushing to a pharmacy the next day to get a tablet to sort all the mess out.


I'm not particularly bothered about what's morally acceptable I just think that the people who do decide not to bother and just go get the morning after pill ought to be more advised as to where to get the information of other contraceptives which can be used beforehand.


I'm not against all use of the morning after pill or abortion I just think that rather than advertising that they should attempt to promote all the other things that these people may not have thought about or may be ill informed of.

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and i know that condoms break etc. my friend used the pill, a condom the morning after pill and still ended up having an abortion, i just think its too widely used as a contraceptive which isnt' what its for.


What are you basing this on?

Do you have figures to say how widely it is being used for this reason?

I'm pretty sure you haven't got a clue.


I'd be more worried that someone is reading the Metro - its a nasty little right wing rag.

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What are you basing this on?

Do you have figures to say how widely it is being used for this reason?

I'm pretty sure you haven't got a clue.


I'd be more worried that someone is reading the Metro - its a nasty little right wing rag.


its on the busses many people read it on a journey.


I'm basing it on the fact I know people do it. To me one person using it is too many. I have got a clue thankyou and no I don't have numbers because for some weird reason I have the ability to have an opinion without looking up numbers.


I wasn't saying I am right I am god my opinion is correct I was asking for other people's opinions. So, either give me your opinion on the matter I am talking about or don't.

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its on the busses many people read it on a journey.


I'm basing it on the fact I know people do it. To me one person using it is too many. I have got a clue thankyou and no I don't have numbers because for some weird reason I have the ability to have an opinion without looking up numbers.


I wasn't saying I am right I am god my opinion is correct I was asking for other people's opinions. So, either give me your opinion on the matter I am talking about or don't.


That's a totally different opinion though - you've gone from 'too many' (based on an unknown number), to 'any number greater than zero'.


I personally have no idea how many people are using it for the purpose you suggest, so I'd rather not say if it is 'too many' or not.

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Gothic Charm,


I still don't understand what your objection is to emergency contraception? You haven't really spelled it out in your posts. You seem to appear to be concerned that "too many" women are using it as a regular contraception, although in the latest available ONS report the main reason women report using it is condom failure (49%) so if you add to that forgotten pills, it would appear that in the majority of cases its use is where other contraception has failed.


You're also not saying why, even if an extremely small number of women are using it on a regular basis, that represents a concern for you? You appear to have no concerns about women having an IUD fitted after unprotected intercourse to prevent egg implantation, so why does this particular method concern you so much?

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