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Whatever happened to Radio Hallam...

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Martin Kelner went to Radio 2 and had show in the early hours some years ago, Mike rousse (Roussey)don't know where he went or Kelly Temple.

Temple used to present the oldies show on Thursday night playing music from the 60s and the music just sounded ancient and that was in the mid 70s.

I have to aggree that Hallam has lost its appeal due to the modernisation thing that banned records being played that were more than a couple of years old and lost the older generation of listeners including me who went to Radio 2.

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Wow yes. I even like radio 2 as its more like Radio Hallam USED to be. Its not so much the music is total crap (which it is), HALLAM used to be top 40 based station in the 70's and early 80's before it went middle of the road oldies. Its the DJ's who are so bad I cannot believe it!! They are so poor, just shout down the microphone at you and have no idea about style or subtlety, and always plugging the clubs they have the misfortune to be employed by. Its one huge advert all the time and a total joke!

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Martin Kelner has a regular sports column in the Guardian - I think it appears on Fridays. Might not be weekly though.


I used to write in to his show practically every week - my nom de plume was 'Gradgrind Slopweed'. Hilarious, I know. :o


It was a good show though - used to come on at 10pm and I'd get in at least half an hour's whisper-quiet listening under the duvet before nodding off around the time the 'Job Finder' slot came on at half past.


And how's that for a sign of the early eighties times? "Radio Hallam's job finder service, on air every week day at....."

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I think Hallam went on the air in Oct 74. Listened to it

all the time back then -seemed to be fewer ads then.

Listened to it a few weeks ago and it only played FOUR

songs in the 25 mins !!! Never listen much

at all now.

Can anyone recall Moffat slagging off ELVIS after he

died ? Some Elvis fans beat him up outside the studio

later that night.


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Good old Roger was never afraid to speak out on things he didnt like. he slagged off buses all the time, hairdressers, traffic wardens, the Council, Elvis, punk rock....you name it, he slammed it. And he got away with it!!!! can you see a DJ getting away eith saying anything vaguely controversial any more on Hallam FM?


Used to listen to the ray Stuart show in the afternoons, ROUNDABOUT I think it was called, in the days when ALL radio shows had a name and not just a DJ name. The lunchtime show was actually called LUNCH WITH A PUNCH, and everything had a name as in a proper title.


Who the hell are all these morons running Hallam FM? They sound like youth club DJ's gone wrong.....incapable of holding a conversation, just good at shouting down a nightclub mike at the very best. And THAT is NOT talented!!!!


I would be surprised if Hallam FM was the most listened to station in the area these days, like it used to be. I mention the word HALLAM FM and most people cringe or roll about.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ray Stuart used to drink in the Crospool Tavern. It was the venue of choice for a lot of the Radio hallm crowd, and thus became a bit of a posers pub. Stuart always came across as a bit of a joddrell banker.


Roger Moffat was a brilliant broadcaster of the old school. He taught Wogan the tricks of the trade, and as mentioned in previous posts, died a broken man in a whisky soaked bedsit in broomhill. On the day Elvis died, old Rog went off on one on his morning show, ranting on about all the fuss that was being made over the kings passing. He said radio Hallam had bought the corpse and were having it stuffed so it could stand in the foyer at radio hallams studios to welcome visitors. A group of Sheffield teds took exeption to this and collared him as he left the studio. Gave him a right good hiding. Must have been a hell of a scrap. 4 big teds against an old man with a walking stick.....I hope their nobs drop off.

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