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Wrestling at Rotherham Baths 1960s

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In the early sixties I and three other young uns in our shop were persuaded by Billy an older workmate to go and watch the wrestling at Rotherham baths. Billy and his family were wrestling mad and really thought it was genuine, Mrs Billy regularly getting involved, hand bagging the villains of the ring. So when on the morning shift Friday night was a couple of hours at the wrestling and the last hour in the County Borough. One of the first bouts I remember was a top of the bill tag team bout between Masambula billed as an African witch doctor, who wore a leopards head and skin on his head when he entered the ring (what a piece of tat that was) and another black guy whose name I can't remember against Abe Ginsberg and his partner, Ginsberg's partner didn't turn up so Leon Arass who had fought earlier stood in to partner Ginsberg. So to cut a long story short after some entertaining knockabout slapstick Ginsberg joined the Africans and the three of them knocked seven bells out of Arass. Three or four years later I was at the pictures watching Kes when a slightly balding Bobby Charlton (Brian Glover) appeared on the screen, "that's Leon Arass" I said to myself.

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Rotherham baths was a great venue for pro wrestling in the 50s and early 60s. I think it ended about 1967 (not sure). I used to go with my dad and he used to plonk me in the front row while he shot off for a livener at the Prince of Wales Feathers. I remember, Masambula, Les Kellett (brilliant) Jackie Pallo, and a Heavyweight called Bert Assirati. Also Dirty Jack Pye.

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Rotherham baths was a great venue for pro wrestling in the 50s and early 60s. I think it ended about 1967 (not sure). I used to go with my dad and he used to plonk me in the front row while he shot off for a livener at the Prince of Wales Feathers. I remember, Masambula, Les Kellett (brilliant) Jackie Pallo, and a Heavyweight called Bert Assirati. Also Dirty Jack Pye.

Some blasts from the past there xenia, never saw Bert Assirati or Dirty Jack Pye fight live, but I met Jack Pye at Belle Vue. I was in the amusement park waiting for the speedway to open, when I saw a crowd congregating and people coming from all directions to join the throng. Being nosey I walked over and found out that Dirty Jack Pye the famous wrestler was holding court, talking to the fans and signing autographs. He must have been knocking on sixty then, with long brylcreamed hair and dressed in a immaculate suit, padded out at the shoulders, he looked five feet wide. He had a casual bonhomie with his fans and came across as a genuine bloke, not the ogre his publicity expounded. I believe he was a great charity worker on the QT, a big man in every way.

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Jack was a great character. I think he was originally from Lancashire but was actually brought up at Hatfierld near Doncaster where he and his family worked in the pits. He did very well for himself and ended up living in Blackpool where he ran nightclubs and promoted wrestling at the pier. Aother great guy was Mike Marino, who was from the south of England but had a local connection in that he used to help out at Josies cafe in Rotherham when he was in the area. I think they were related.

Some blasts from the past there xenia, never saw Bert Assirati or Dirty Jack Pye fight live, but I met Jack Pye at Belle Vue. I was in the amusement park waiting for the speedway to open, when I saw a crowd congregating and people coming from all directions to join the throng. Being nosey I walked over and found out that Dirty Jack Pye the famous wrestler was holding court, talking to the fans and signing autographs. He must have been knocking on sixty then, with long brylcreamed hair and dressed in a immaculate suit, padded out at the shoulders, he looked five feet wide. He had a casual bonhomie with his fans and came across as a genuine bloke, not the ogre his publicity expounded. I believe he was a great charity worker on the QT, a big man in every way.
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I can't recall seeing Mike Marino live Xenia, but he was the first real superstar of televised wrestling as I remember. Do you remember Billy Two Rivers a Mohawk Indian who I think started the fad for Mohican/Mohawk haircuts and Harold Sekata/Togo as he was billed then, later after making the film Goldfinger billed as Oddjob. I had got to Rotherham Baths early and was sheltering from the cold and rain on the front facade with a little oriental man I recognised as Togo, who was waiting to be let in. I was surprised how small he was as he fought as a heavyweight. He was due to fight Billy Two Rivers, what on paper seemed to be a top notch match but proofed to be a real disappointment. Two Rivers was famed for his tomahawk chop, Togo for his karate chop and for four rounds they took it in turns to supposedly chop each other, till Togo got disqualified for Guess What? Chopping.

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Sound like the same people who ran the wrestling at Somme Barracks, Relwysco (?) and Green, one of whom did the refereeing as well as being co-promotor.

Other names which spring to mind, Billy Joyce, Judo Al Hayes, Bert Royal, Count Bartolli ( who only ate steak). Great fun and entertainment. That was only the wrestlers, some of the audience were a laugh - like the old lady who always shouted "don't you hurt that boy". Although we all guessed it was not quite real, it was a lot better than the pantomime it subsequently became.

I did once see what looked to be a real fight between Farmer Harry Fields and Les Kellet. Blood was drawn and foul blows exchanged.

Happy days

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Hi I remember going to the Rotherham Baths to see most of the characters mentioned,some dirty,some funny,some outrageous.But the wrestler that astonished me was George Kidd.He was small for a wrestler but every time I saw him he gave a wrestling masterclass to everybody there,making the other wrestlers look very amateurish in comparison.

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