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Poll tax -v- council tax : which is fairest?

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I don't know why we don't just use income tax. At least with that people are taxed according to their ability to pay.


When the Poll tax came in because I was subletting the tax that was my responsibilty exceeded my disposable income for the whole year!


A good job people with principles like Terry Fields (unlike Kinnock.....spit), opposed the stupid tax.



why should i pay for some scroat who cant be bothered to get out of bed...everyone over the age of 21 should pay the same....say 352 a year...so thats only a £1 a day...three in our house so thats over a grand..

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The Poll Tax is worse than Council Tax because it is regressive.


Both are regressive, as neither are linked to income levels or ability to pay.


At least Poll Tax takes account of the fact that households with more people in them use more services.

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At least Poll Tax takes account of the fact that households with more people in them use more services.


In addition, a refusal to share (or be liable for) the burden of local taxation should disenfranchise those from voting in the local government elections.

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Poll tax definately- it is much fairer, some housholds I know in £300,000+ properties have six and more adults all in high paid employment paying one council tax. THey think living in Britain is so good to them.


Trouble was that the above applied to far more council properties with nobody in employment.

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As I remember, people made it abundantly clear exactly how they felt about the poll tax.


I think it was more about it being a flat rate poll tax that people objected to (that was my objection, and why I was on the Poll Tax demonstration in London on 31 March 1990), rather than the principle that all adults should pay something.

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