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Why did Brown have to 'ask' the Queen's permission to call an election ?

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I am now interested in the age groups of those who support the monarchy and those who do not. I wonder if it is the younger generation who are opposed to our Royal family. I know a lot of children think it is great to have a Queen, but what about adults?

Doesn't someone want to do a poll of some sort or has there been one recently?


I'm not going to quote all your posts Weazel2006 but after claiming that the Royal Family don't do bugger all except enjoy the life of riley you then go on to say you would not wish their life on anyone else. Explain the contradiction. If it is that easy then you don't want anyone to have the easy life? If someone offered you these so called millions to sit on your bottom and do nothing you would not accept it? Yeah right. Is it not true that you accept the Royals do a great deal of good for this country and live lives of virtual prisoners - unable to do the things normal people do because of their status?

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26 yrs, supporting Monarchy. Down with Democracy. Every error made in the current government can be blamed on two things = lack of accountability and petty one-up-man-ship.:o




Is it possible that the answer to the OP is because Gordon Brown is calling it before his term is up? i haven't been keeping track but I don't think it has quite been 4 years yet.

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Who momo?


You know I am a devout monarchist so will stand up on the side of the Royal Family.

You have no reason to slag the Royal family off, and to make unfounded allegations is really not what I expected of you.


God save the Queen.


You may love the monarchy.


Those with an opposing view are equally entitled to voice it.


Long live the Republic! :)

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You may love the monarchy.


Those with an opposing view are equally entitled to voice it.

Long live the Republic! :)


Of course they are, and off with their heads.


I have no problem with people who are against the monarchy. What I have a problem with is the disrespect and the unsubstantiated allegations as well as the blame being placed on the Royals for things that have nothing to do with them in as much as their ability to stop those things - such as crime and chavs.


God save the Queen.

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A soldier is not equal to an NCO. An NCO is not equal to a captain. A cardboard box dweller is not equal to the chairman of a company. A person with a law degree is not equal to someone who only has a certificate for car mechanics.

No need to call me mad. A lawyer was not born such, he works for his rank. An army captain is not what he is for the sole reason that his Dad was aswell, so he must follow. I don't beleive army ranks are hereditary. As such, i don't beleive a man is born to rule. I think it's one of the most insane and insulting forms of state.


You talk about getting rid of the Royals because they are a station above you and that is envy.

You talk about their fortune because you do not have one - and that is envy.

I am not envious. I am looking at it logically. I dislike this form of government, that is not envy. I dislike the House Of Lords too, and Hereditary Peerage. I don't hate Richard Branson; he can live on his island and count his money if he wishes. Just don't make him a Monarch and call what is under him democracy.

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no British monarch has been above the law since 1215 (the year, not the time)

The Magna Carta was for the benefit of the nobility. It did nothing to take power away from an absolute monarchy.


Secondly, the civil war was about raising the power of Parliament. This was at a time when only the nobility could vote, and then only noble men. We have come a long way since 1215.

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