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Why did Brown have to 'ask' the Queen's permission to call an election ?

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Any little bit of German blood left they have must have been pretty well diluted by now, wouldn't you think?


Or is it like those herbal remedies that 'remember' the trace of a single drop of essence diluted a thousand times. IIRC, The Queen is half Scots and her father was half Danish and Charles' father is Danish by origin, so not a lot of German in there by now?


Any amateur genealogists/geneticists or whatever they're called care to calculate it for us?


still Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

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IIRC, The Queen is half Scots and her father was half Danish and Charles' father is Danish by origin, so not a lot of German in there by now?

The Queen is from the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, which i think is why they are called 'German'. The aristocracy of Europe that makes these Royal Houses isn't any particular "nationality". This German dutchie lead to Monarchies in Belgium, Portugal, Bulgaria and here. This is my problem with 'Queen and Country'; the true nature of Monarchy doesn't care about country. Just keeping power for a ruling elite. It goes against all democratic thought.

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Any little bit of German blood left they have must have been pretty well diluted by now, wouldn't you think?


Or is it like those herbal remedies that 'remember' the trace of a single drop of essence diluted a thousand times. IIRC, The Queen is half Scots and her father was half Danish and Charles' father is Danish by origin, so not a lot of German in there by now?


Any amateur genealogists/geneticists or whatever they're called care to calculate it for us?


To be honest it was meant to be a tongue in cheek comment. My opinion is that our royalty, like most or even all the other European royal households have some sort of supranationality. They are one big pan European family who does not really belong to any nation.

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What would be so bad about scrapping the government? You think it's a freedom to vote in a government? Let's see -


Vote Conservative --- Increase taxes; increase cost of tobacco, petrol, alcohol; juggle unemployment figures to suit; blow hot air about immigration. Kow Tow to Europe.


Vote Labout --- Increase taxes; increase cost of tobacco, petrol, alcohol; juggle unemployment figures to suit; blow hot air about immigration. Kow Tow to Europe.


Vote Liberal --- Increase taxes; increase cost of tobacco, petrol, alcohol; juggle unemployment figures to suit; blow hot air about immigration. Kow Tow to Europe.


Vote BNP - Civil war.


Vote Green Party --- Increase taxes; increase cost of tobacco, petrol, alcohol; juggle unemployment figures to suit; blow hot air about immigration. Kow Tow to Europe.


Freedom to choose who?


The common denominator in almost ALL leftist stupidity is: clueless, sheltered, white women.

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Yes, the party decides who stands, then we decide which party. So that means we appoint the PM doesn't it.


No, you don't decide he party. Your vote allows you to decide who represents you and your constituancy, nothing more. Most of the candidates will be aligned with a group of like minded individuals and share policies and marketing with them, and they will have decided among themselves to nominate one of their own to be the figurehead of their group - you as a simple voter get no say about which group those candidates are aligned with, and who they've decided will lead them.


If for whatever reason Gordon / Dave / Nick don't get re-elected by their own constituencies, the parties wil still continue, and a new leader will be decided by each party. The PM will then become whoever is elected by the party which wins.

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The Queen is from the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, which i think is why they are called 'German'. The aristocracy of Europe that makes these Royal Houses isn't any particular "nationality". This German dutchie lead to Monarchies in Belgium, Portugal, Bulgaria and here. This is my problem with 'Queen and Country'; the true nature of Monarchy doesn't care about country. Just keeping power for a ruling elite. It goes against all democratic thought.


If you look here they like to keep it in the family as well...It looks like Phil is some sort of cousin to HRH..

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still Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
I thought they'd been Windsor-Mountbatten since WWI? Not that it matters, as I tend to the supra-nationality theory of the 'royals' of Europe mentioned in one of the following posts. Personally, I like the Queen and I think Charles will make a great King and I hope he gets his chance.


When I was young and foolish I resented hereditary privilege, and wanted it gone but that was because I was jealous and envious of it. I was so disappointed when I found out that I wan't really a princess ... :D


I'd sooner have Charles in nominal charge anyday than a grinning self serving charlatan and fool like 'President' Blair.


ETA anyway, no-one wants to have a go at calculating how much German there is in 'our 'royals, just go on regurgitating the old propaganda for ever? Thought so :hihi:

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I thought we were a 'democracy'. Whats it got to do with that very rich member of the 'ruling classes' ?


It is up to Her majesty if Parliament is dissolved or not. In practice she very rarely refuses a dissolusion request from a sitting PM. If a parliament runs for its maximum 5 year term it end automatically.

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I could see a circumstance where in a hung parliament and with all the parties being too divided to form a government she could choose one or other of the two main candidates to form a government while a new election is being sorted, although that would have some tacit agreement from them of course.


And perhaps if the BNP got elected she might refuse to invite them to form a government :hihi:


In a hung parliament the sitting PM gets first shot at trying to form some sort of coilition. If he cannot the leader of the main opposition gets to be PM. Her Majesty doesn't decide and by all accounts doesn't want to.


If the BNP got a majority in parliament she would invite Nick Griffin to be PM. Her personal views don't enter into it.

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ETA anyway, no-one wants to have a go at calculating how much German there is in 'our 'royals, just go on regurgitating the old propaganda for ever? Thought so :hihi:

I'll post my point; i don't care. I'm not anti-immigrant. We can have a million greeks, germans, dutch, french, spanish; they can marry their cousins if they wish. Just don't place them in a position where they have a power because they are born into it.


The comparison with Blair is asinine. Blair is a product of democracy, and if you don't like him he is problem from our democracy. Atleast we had a way of getting him out; vote. We have no choice with a Monarch.


I shall bow out at this point. :)

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