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Why do our soldiers have to go to Afghanistan?

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But not so safe any longer thanks to drones


As far as Britain being an outcast not very many of their fellow members of NATO were very enthusiatic or willing to commit their troops. The French and Germans so long under NATO protection had no interest since the threat from the Soviet Union had disappeared. We're alright Jack was the word


Here's a list of ISAF forces based on nationality-


US 26,215


UK 8,300

Turkey 660

Canada 2830

Germany 3465

Portugal 30

Belgium 450

Luxemburg 9

Netherlands 1770

Denmark 700

Norway 490

Latvia 160

Lithuania 200

Estonia 140

Poland 1590

Czech Republic 580

Slovakia 230

Hungary 370

Albania 140

Italy 2350

Romania 1600

Bulgaria 820

Greece 140


NATO Allies 26,284

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Any reason for doing that? Or are you just showing solidarity so that you can help take the thread off topic and our muslim boy doesn't have to answer difficult questions on the abhorrent views he holds? Indeed I am a Soldier and never have I pushed my occupation onto others and told them they have no right to discuss the armed forces because they are not Soldiers. I have instead engaged and tried to explain best I could the Soldiers perspective on many an issue on here. The muslim boy however has sought to use his being in the Islamic faith to brow beat anyone disagreeing with his world view, but hey it's an open forum and if you wish to join in to prove your credentials and call names for no apparent reason other than seeing your mate embarrassed, backtracking and unable to post on topic, then now is your chance, go for it.

As for Monty I wasn't aware that is a catch all term but again if in your experience all Soldiers are called Monty then so be it, you'll just be displaying how much or maybe how little you know.;) Look forward to your contribution to this thread, if only to see how far you can take it off topic in order to help your mate from answering difficult questions.


I think that makes my position clear and reinforces my view that your childish references to 'soldier boy' and 'Monty' are the product of an infantile mind and shows a total lack of respect for the men and women who have given their lives in the defence of this nation.


He is not my mate, I am not showing solidarity, if he chooses to insult you by using terms that could be insulting to people from a particular group, such as Muslims or soldiers then he is wrong as well. You are clearly paranoid and more than a little chippy and like I stated before you do yourself no favours by indulging in the petty, bigoted name calling you seek to attack and I highlight this as evidence of my point:

Well done for a pointless excercise of replacing words rendering the whole post inaccurate and meaningless. You would have done well to read what was said and answer the points but instead as I expected have gone for lending a helping hand to a racist who uses his position of an ex soldier to justify murder of innocent people in the street. I am not the one avoiding answering difficult questions so I realy don't see how you feel by merely repalcing words you are making any sense.


Less of the crap about me insulting anyone else of the armed forces other than those guys who have comitted muder and their apologists. You wish to pull the thread to portray me as having said that then you are welcome to do so but you will then have to prove it though. I expect an equally pointless contribution from you now that we have seen one example of what an observant deep thinker you are.;)

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Well done for a pointless excercise of replacing words rendering the whole post inaccurate and meaningless. You would have done well to read what was said and answer the points but instead as I expected have gone for lending a helping hand to a racist who uses his position of an ex soldier to justify murder of innocent people in the street. I am not the one avoiding answering difficult questions so I realy don't see how you feel by merely repalcing words you are making any sense.


Less of the crap about me insulting anyone else of the armed forces other than those guys who have comitted muder and their apologists. You wish to pull the thread to portray me as having said that then you are welcome to do so but you will then have to prove it though. I expect an equally pointless contribution from you now that we have seen one example of what an observant deep thinker you are.;)


Well done for the chip on the shoulder reply and the complete lack of sense to realise I am in fact not attacking you but your insistence on using the terms 'soldier boy' and 'Monty' as well as this:


No wonder you were a soldier, limited intelligence of course meant not much good for anything else apparently.


In an attempt to show how petty your use of those terms are.


They are clearly derogatory remarks aimed at one target but being disparaging of soldiers in general.


Now what was that about being observant. :rolleyes:

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Well done for the chip on the shoulder reply and the complete lack of sense to realise I am in fact not attacking you but your insistence on using the terms 'soldier boy' and 'Monty' as well as this:




In an attempt to show how petty your use of those terms are.


They are clearly derogatory remarks aimed at one target but being disparaging of soldiers in general.


Now what was that about being observant. :rolleyes:

You don't see the reason for my calling him a soldier boy then you have totally missed the point but instead created one of your own to compensate for it, by implying I am desparaging other soldiers. No sir I have not even mentioned other soldiers, you have. The reference to Harleyman emigrating to American from a life of a soldier to then only join the Army there implies he wasn't much good at anything else. The limited intelligence of course is a given that the chap has displayed little knowledge of the subject matter he claims to profess in, namely what the reasons were for the various atrocities committed by terrorists etc. My take on that is of course if he was as capable as he claims to be then he would have done better than get his backside shot at even after emigrating for a better life in America. Then he has the audacity to imply all Oxford professors are compromised too, but I don't see you criticising him for being disparaging to the British institution, why not?

As I said if you wish to pull the thread to your own understanding of the argument then be my guest, I have no qualms about what I said of the guy who supports terrorism of the innocent civilians:gag: There is no mention of other soldiers apart from your bringing in another dimension to muddy the waters, and of course it seems so that soldier boy doesn't have to answer why he supports murder of innocent people. Care to post on topic for a change? I'm through explaining.

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You don't see the reason for my calling him a soldier boy then you have totally missed the point but instead created one of your own to compensate for it, by implying I am desparaging other soldiers. No sir I have not even mentioned other soldiers, you have. The reference to Harleyman emigrating to American from a life of a soldier to then only join the Army there implies he wasn't much good at anything else. The limited intelligence of course is a given that the chap has displayed little knowledge of the subject matter he claims to profess in, namely what the reasons were for the various atrocities committed by terrorists etc. My take on that is of course if he was as capable as he claims to be then he would have done better than get his backside shot at even after emigrating for a better life in America. Then he has the audacity to imply all Oxford professors are compromised too, but I don't see you criticising him for being disparaging to the British institution, why not?

As I said if you wish to pull the thread to your own understanding of the argument then be my guest, I have no qualms about what I said of the guy who supports terrorism of the innocent civilians:gag: There is no mention of other soldiers apart from your bringing in another dimension to muddy the waters, and of course it seems so that soldier boy doesn't have to answer why he supports murder of innocent people. Care to post on topic for a change? I'm through explaining.


Your ignorance shows no limits. I wouldn't bother to even explain why I signed up for the US military or what the circumstances were at that particular time. You're not worth a mouthful of gob in a spitoon.

As far as my life in the US has been since then, I owned a business for many years and prospered, now happily retired and on small occasions such as this

(unfortunately) more than likely wasting a little time exchanging slang with someone like you.


As far as the name Mony is concerned that's no insult to me. Bernard Law Montgomery was an outstanding British general in WW2 but I wouldn't expect an airhead like you to know much about that. I would imagine that the likes of you would be completely worthless to Britain if the time came the country ever needed your services. You'd scarper like a jack rabbit being chased by a coyote. :hihi:

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Here's a list of ISAF forces based on nationality-


US 26,215


UK 8,300

Turkey 660

Canada 2830

Germany 3465

Portugal 30

Belgium 450

Luxemburg 9

Netherlands 1770

Denmark 700

Norway 490

Latvia 160

Lithuania 200

Estonia 140

Poland 1590

Czech Republic 580

Slovakia 230

Hungary 370

Albania 140

Italy 2350

Romania 1600

Bulgaria 820

Greece 140


NATO Allies 26,284


But how many are actually in combat roles? President Obama wants to send something like another 30,000 US which suggests to me that there is a shortage of soldiers in actual field combat.

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Your ignorance shows no limits. I wouldn't bother to even explain why I signed up for the US military or what the circumstances were at that particular time. You're not worth a mouthful of gob in a spitoon.

Are you getting your nickers in a twist soldier boy? Just because the circumstances were that you were no good at doing anything else but faeeet, army of another country was the only option, so what have I said that disturbs you?


Surely being in the US military doesn't mean you lose all values of life and consider killing civilians as acceptable, only the idiotic low lifes do that. That has all along been the context of my argument and not a reflection on the any army but your defense of the indefensible, Murder.

As far as my life in the US has been since then, I owned a business for many years and prospered, now happily retired and on small occasions such as this

(unfortunately) more than likely wasting a little time exchanging slang with someone like you.

Please spare us the details of your life story, I can only assume your business was not of any intellectual nature.


As far as the name Mony is concerned that's no insult to me. Bernard Law Montgomery was an outstanding British general in WW2 but I wouldn't expect an airhead like you to know much about that. I would imagine that the likes of you would be completely worthless to Britain if the time came the country ever needed your services. You'd scarper like a jack rabbit being chased by a coyote. :hihi:

Mony is no insult to you? It never was, it was your mates who thought it was an insult, or maybe an insult to old Monty to compare him to you perhaps:hihi: I do know who Monty was dear, British and not American sell out like you, and as you may recall I introduced that name in the conversation, although as you said you wouldn't expect me to know much about that, oh how wrong you are soldier.

As for scarpering I am here in my country and haven't deserted to lay my a*s on the line for another. Your imagination is running wild again soldier, you don't know me, but have gone on to imagine stuff that you seem to be happy with imagining, a sure sign of mental problemas:hihi:


I'm done with wasting time on an old codger like you Monty have a nice ignorant rest of life. :thumbsup:

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Are you getting your nickers in a twist soldier boy? Just because the circumstances were that you were no good at doing anything else but faeeet, army of another country was the only option, so what have I said that disturbs you?


Surely being in the US military doesn't mean you lose all values of life and consider killing civilians as acceptable, only the idiotic low lifes do that. That has all along been the context of my argument and not a reflection on the any army but your defense of the indefensible, Murder.

Please spare us the details of your life story, I can only assume your business was not of any intellectual nature.


Mony is no insult to you? It never was, it was your mates who thought it was an insult, or maybe an insult to old Monty to compare him to you perhaps:hihi: I do know who Monty was dear, British and not American sell out like you, and as you may recall I introduced that name in the conversation, although as you said you wouldn't expect me to know much about that, oh how wrong you are soldier.

As for scarpering I am here in my country and haven't deserted to lay my a*s on the line for another. Your imagination is running wild again soldier, you don't know me, but have gone on to imagine stuff that you seem to be happy with imagining, a sure sign of mental problemas:hihi:


I'm done with wasting time on an old codger like you Monty have a nice ignorant rest of life. :thumbsup:


That's good news! Share your ignorant moronic biased views with your fellow yapping dogs

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Says the person that served the minimum possible term in vietnam....


If you are so keen, why did you not sign up for further terms - in fact did you sign up or were you drafted?


How old are you sonny? Not even born back then. Stick to what your generation know or in this case what you probably dont know :hihi:

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