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Why do our soldiers have to go to Afghanistan?

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An agenda? Or you smoking weed and making yourself paranoid. Don't come on here a DARE tell me what I am or am not bloody thinking!


I asked for facts, and from them I will make my own opinion. If you don't like the questions I've asked then **** off!

Indeed I'll oblige mate just bend over:gag:

Seems you don't like facts when presented with some but only the ones you choose, I have seen the pattern before and know exactly where you stand on this so get off your high horse and respond to the post rather than show up your insecurity.

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Just like the middle eastern sh*t who flew planes into the Twin Towers, carried out the London 7/7 bombings and still kill their own people in Iraq and Pakistan in the name of "Jihad"


They came to the US trashed the neighborhood and the British born scumbags loyal only to their religion and not their country of birth killing innocent people in London.


It's all pay back and par for the course even in an undeclared war such as this. Get used to it

No wonder you were a soldier, limited intelligence of course meant not much good for anything else apparently. Both attacks you mention were not carried out in name of religion but politics. You of course are unable to differentiate that so no point wasting time in explaining, as they say you can't teach new tricks to................ etc..........save to say you are clueless and are destined to remain so till the end.
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Indeed I'll oblige mate just bend over:gag:

Seems you don't like facts when presented with some but only the ones you choose, I have seen the pattern before and know exactly where you stand on this so get off your high horse and respond to the post rather than show up your insecurity.



You really are a nasty piece of work aren't you.


I asked a question, rec'd various views, some fact some unproven, what exactly am I supposed to have done wrong?


You seem to have a chip on your shoulder. You seem to think ave decided an opinion? And are somehow offended by that? You are very weird.

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An agenda? Or you smoking weed and making yourself paranoid. Don't come on here a DARE tell me what I am or am not bloody thinking!


I asked for facts, and from them I will make my own opinion. If you don't like the questions I've asked then **** off!


Go and ask Bush & Blair if you want facts. What was your previous username by the way?

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Go and ask Bush & Blair if you want facts. What was your previous username by the way?

Ha ha, there is only one who comes on here with pretense of inquiry and a desire to learn yet quickly twists the thread to the real agenda, just sit back a watch the performance:D


Anything that doesn't agree with the poster's viewpoint is ignored and those that suit are praised for their responses, just read back and you will see the pattern emerging. Yet the first line of OP states that a lot of people have already offered opinions so it seems he/she is rather a slow learner.;)



The threat starter said

Hearsay and facts are different things. It's no good someone saying 'oh it's something to do with oil' without being able to explain it.
I obliged by providing facts in post#15 and the OP got offended by it because it didn't suite the agenda apparently.
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It maybe because although the hijackers were Saudis, Saudi Arabia itself was not regarded as being an unstable and unsettling influence in the middle east region and which in fact it never has been.


There have been a large amount of al Qaeda members linked with Saudi Arabia, they have been aloud to move freely through the country, funded by Saudi sheiks and the Taliban was backed by the Saudi royal family. I agree that Saudi Arabia appear to be a lot more helpful in the 'war on terrorism' and that is part of the reason, but they are also willing to let western businesses trade freely within the country and that is probably more of a factor.

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No wonder you were a soldier, limited intelligence of course meant not much good for anything else apparently. Both attacks you mention were not carried out in name of religion but politics. You of course are unable to differentiate that so no point wasting time in explaining, as they say you can't teach new tricks to................ etc..........save to say you are clueless and are destined to remain so till the end.


You invariably resort to type when you cannot best someone in an argument.

Stupid this! stupd that! Typical attitude of someone with a giant chip on their shoulder, personal insults replace discussions.


You're a giant pain in the A*s Tab1. Get lost :hihi:

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There have been a large amount of al Qaeda members linked with Saudi Arabia, they have been aloud to move freely through the country, funded by Saudi sheiks and the Taliban was backed by the Saudi royal family. I agree that Saudi Arabia appear to be a lot more helpful in the 'war on terrorism' and that is part of the reason, but they are also willing to let western businesses trade freely within the country and that is probably more of a factor.


To tell the truth the middle east is and always has been a snake pit. We could supply all our own oil needs here in the US if the tree huggers hadn't grabbed power. To me it's a bit despicable that we are obliged to buy oil from people who dislike us and at the same time seeing prices go up at the gas pumps. Most of this goes into the pockets of fat oil sheikhs who spend it on opulent palaces, trips to London, shopping at Harrods and looking for little white girls :hihi:


May the day come when we can tel them to shove their oil up their A*ses

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To tell the truth the middle east is and always has been a snake pit. We could supply all our own oil needs here in the US if the tree huggers hadn't grabbed power. To me it's a bit despicable that we are obliged to buy oil from people who dislike us and at the same time seeing prices go up at the gas pumps. Most of this goes into the pockets of fat oil sheikhs who spend it on opulent palaces, trips to London, shopping at Harrods and looking for little white girls :hihi:


May the day come when we can tel them to shove their oil up their A*ses


Hey, I have to agree with you. The best way to stop terrorism is to end the need for foreign oil and withdraw all troops from the middle east. I think the tree huggers could help to do that, though.

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