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God, people suck - Ebay Sales *rant*

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Someone mailed me on Ebay on the 22nd March asking if my vinyl figures were £17.50 for a box of 16?


I, very politely, said they were among the rarest in circulation and that it was for just one box.


Now, they're telling me I missold my items as the listing was deceiving.


How can it be deceiving if I clarified the sale before they purchased? Now they're complaining about every tiny thing and it's really annoying.


Are people so damn well ignorant they can't accept their own mistakes?


People - grrrrrrrrrr!


Sorry, had to rant at someone. Why are people so damn rude!?

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To be honest on ebay it seems that some people are just so bored with there own lives that they choose to place bids and then moan alot when its there fault there was a error not yours.


Normally I would say you need to advertise it in the form of 'ebay for dummies' but from what you have said it doesn't seem as tho you could have made it any clearer.

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If your ebay listing was similar to your post I think I might have been confused too. They asked if it was for a box of 16 and you replied to them saying no it was for just one box? Was that a typo in your post or is that supposed to make sense?

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People that buy these things should understand the difference between a case (of 16) and one blind box.


The sale clearly said: one blind box. One case (or, even a box, if you want to use that term) of figures would be 16 x blind boxes.


It's really very clear and no one could really get confused. The price is a dead giveaway, really.


So now, the customer has demanded that if the figure doesn't arrive by Friday, I am to give them a refund. They are now moaning that it's taken too long (Easter) and all sorts of other issues.


So, basically, they've got me over a barrel. They made a mistake and all I can do now is give them a refund. They plead innocence, but I've been conned so many times, and - they all plead innocence and demand 'justice' from PayPal.


And, as we all know, the seller always loses out to these people.

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im guessing you have 16 for sale and you are selling them for £17.50 for each single vinyl individually?


it sounds like either your listing doesnt state it clear enough that you want to sell each one singular or the person is a bit dim.


but without actually seeing your listing or you posting it on here for us to see its impossible to say how or why she got confussed to be honest.

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