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How Different Would The World Be Today

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If the British army had stayed at home?


I dont mean in WW1 or 2, I mean all the places like Aden and Iraq and all the other conflicts that didnt really directly threaten the UK.


Over the centuries the British army have been in countless actions, lost countless lives and... done what for the world...?


I heared someone say on telly that `The army always have their oar in somewhere, its what they do.` and it got me thinking... How much difference have they made? How different would the world have been if they hadnt got involved in these conflicts...?


Any idea...? cos I havent got a clue but I`m interested in what you lot think!

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If the British army had stayed at home?


I dont mean in WW1 or 2, I mean all the places like Aden and Iraq and all the other conflicts that didnt really directly threaten the UK.


Over the centuries the British army have been in countless actions, lost countless lives and... done what for the world...?


I heared someone say on telly that `The army always have their oar in somewhere, its what they do.` and it got me thinking... How much difference have they made? How different would the world have been if they hadnt got involved in these conflicts...?


Any idea...? cos I havent got a clue but I`m interested in what you lot think!


Hiya Jabbers, It's a very moot point as to what threat exists to us (the hoi polloi) from Iraq or Afghanistan imo.

How much protection at home can we expect from anyone who can't stop men in Batman costumes from scaling the Parliament buildings and throwing powder over the PM in the chamber of the House? They can't even protect themselves. :hihi:

The threat may have more to do with a danger to "vested interests."


As far as any improvements having been made you only have to look at the present state of those two countries. Iraq is a shambles compared to when Saddam was in power...a shadow of what it was. Not that I'm a fan of Saddam I hasten to add. He was a murdering swine and a thug but what he did do that the west cannot is keep the different factions under control.


Afghanistan is rife with corruption at the highest level of government and the last election was hardly a tribute to democracy. None of which appears to matter to us since we are supporting it all.


What irks me most about this issue is the attitude shown towards our troops by successive Governments. Poorly equipped, poorly housed, badly compensated, etc. This is no recent problem either...it's been going on for years.



It's election time again and there is no chance of change whatever...the madness will persist. :gag:

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But we have to fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here. (we can't expand our empire by sitting on our arses).


They hate us for our freedom (to impose our way of life upon them down the barrel of a gun).


We have to fight for the victims of human rights abuses (in a select few countries that won't conform to the "free trade" demands of our corporate masters)


We have a duty to spread democracy and freedom! (lalalalalalalalalalaaaa cuckoo! cuckoo! lalalalalalala)

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